Many people wonder who will pay for car repairs after a car accident with another driver in New York. Under New York no-fault insurance, both drivers are expected to be compensated by their auto insurance companies. Multiple factors play into how this works and how car repairs are paid after an accident. Feel free to talk to a New York City automobile accident lawyer to find out.
Under no-fault insurance in New York, both drivers in a car accident are eligible for compensation regardless of who was at fault for the accident. This compensation is meant to cover basic car accident damages like medical bills for injuries and lost wages from missed work. No-fault insurance in New York does not tend to cover car repair costs.
This leaves many drivers wondering how they are going to pay for the vehicle damages caused by the accident. Other auto insurance policies designed to cover vehicle damages might be needed to cover these expenses. However, in some cases, auto insurance coverage is not enough to pay for all the car accident expenses.
In cases like these, drivers have the option to file a lawsuit against the other driver to collect additional compensation. Under no-fault insurance laws, this usually only works if the costs of the car accident far exceed the coverage offered by insurance. The costs may exceed in terms of medical expenses, car repairs, and other financial losses from the accident.
Try contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you have any questions about how this process works. An experienced lawyer can work with you to find the best legal options for having your car damages paid for. Taking this step is vital if you find yourself struggling to pay for the costs of the accident.
The steps for handling car accident repairs start with filing a car accident claim with the insurance company. Include details and evidence pertaining to the car accident. For car repairs, start with having your damaged vehicle thoroughly inspected. Take pictures of the damage yourself first.
Request a vehicle repair cost estimate from the repair shop. Obtain a written copy of this cost estimate and be prepared to work with your auto insurance agent on this. Sometimes insurance agents will negotiate a new cost estimate. The final step is to confirm that the insurance company will cover these costs.
When the insurance company refuses to cover the repair costs or does not offer enough coverage, you have options. Mediation, arbitration, and small claims courts can handle these disputes.
You may not have to pay for damages to your vehicle if another driver was involved. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a Westchester car accident lawyer for a consultation about the accident. Our legal team might be able to increase your compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
In the blink of an eye, one simple mistake can quickly lead to a catastrophic car accident. This means that being astutely aware of some of the most common mistakes associated with car accidents can be helpful. This may help prevent future car accidents and might help when filing a car accident claim. If you suffered injuries from another driver, then you could be eligible for compensation. Reach out to a New York City car accident lawyer for more information.
There are four types of driving errors that can increase the chances of a car accident. These include performance errors, recognition errors, decision errors, and non-performance errors. Being aware of these
types of errors may help with avoiding car accidents in the future.
Performance errors are described as using poor directional control over the vehicle. They are also described as overcompensation. Using poor directional control might look like not staying in the proper lane or turning too quickly. Overcompensation often means steering or braking too quickly when coming across a sudden change on the road. This could lead to a rollover accident.
Recognition errors involve not paying attention or not noticing important chances on the road. Pedestrians crossing the street, drivers turning left, and drivers shifting lanes may lead to accidents when a driver fails to notice these changes. Distracted driving like texting while driving plays a big role in these types of accidents.
Decision errors occur when a driver makes a risky decision like driving too fast on a sharp turn. This might also mean misjudging their distance from other drivers. Risky driving decisions like rapid lane changing and speeding can also lead to accidents.
Non-performance errors happen when drivers do not take any action and an accident occurs. This often looks like falling asleep at the wheel or experiencing a medical emergency like a stroke.
Other driving mistakes that can cause car accidents include failure to use a turn signal, not checking blind spots, and speeding through yellow lights. Not using a turn signal confuses other drivers and can easily lead to an accident. This is especially true at four-way stops where other drivers depend on knowing what the other driver is about to do.
Failure to check blind spots while shifting lanes can lead to side-sweep car accidents. The same outcome can happen when mirrors are not checked properly. Lastly, speeding through yellow lights may result in accidents when time runs out and the light turns red.
Try contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you suffered injuries in an accident with another driver. Depending on what happened, you could be eligible for compensation.
Proving a car accident claim can be difficult. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York automobile accident attorney for a free consultation. Our Long Island legal team might be able to increase your chances of compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Knowing what increases the chances of teen driver car accidents can be enormously helpful when filing an accident claim. If you were in an unexpected car accident, then you could be eligible for compensation that could pay for your medical bills and car damages. This requires filing a car accident claim. Feel free to talk with a New York City automobile accident attorney about what steps this will take.
Teen driver car accidents tend to have common causes associated with them. Some of the most common teen driver accident causes include:
Distracted driving is one of the most well-known causes of teen car accidents. Texting while driving stands out as the most common form of distracted driving involved in these accidents. However, texting is not the only type of distracted driving. Other forms of distracted driving include eating, reaching for something in the back, not paying close enough attention to the road, and looking through CDs.
Drugged driving can mean consuming alcohol, illicit drugs, or medications that warn against driving. Drunk driving is the most well-known cause but not the only cause of teen driver car accidents. Abuse of prescription medications may also result in car accidents if the teen decides to drive while the medication is still in effect.
Driving with multiple passengers is particularly riskier for teen drivers due to less driving experience. Having other teens in the vehicle while a teen with minimal driving experience is driving can raise multiple risks. These risks include distractions while driving and being influenced by their friends to take greater risks while driving.
This leads to risky driving behaviors like pulling into traffic too soon, illegal lane changes, speeding, and turning too quickly or sharply.
Do not panic if you find yourself on the other end of an accident as a teen driver. There are several teen driver accident steps you can take to protect yourself. Taking a deep breath is often powerful enough to regain your composure and think more clearly. Mistakes can be made while in panic mode.
Call 911 to ensure you and others are protected by ensuring professional help is on the way. Always call 911 if you or anyone is injured. Once you are in a safe spot, try collecting as much information and evidence as you can by writing details down and taking pictures. Consider contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you have questions about the next steps.
The aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming but you do not have to face this alone. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York car accident lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Queens legal team can help increase your chances of compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Pedestrian accidents can come with severe consequences like life-threatening injuries and liability issues. Being aware of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and safety tips might help you avoid these accidents in the future. If you were struck by a driver who was negligent, then you could be eligible for significant compensation. Ask a New York City pedestrian accident attorney for guidance if you have questions.
The first step to avoiding pedestrian accidents is being aware of what causes them. Knowing what not to do is almost always as important as knowing what to do to protect yourself from these accidents. Some of the most common pedestrian accident causes include:
Knowing that many pedestrian accidents are caused by not obeying crosswalks or failing to yield to traffic can be helpful. This means pedestrian accidents can be reduced if pedestrians follow crosswalk signals, use sidewalks instead of roadways, and yield to oncoming traffic. Running in front of traffic is risky and may result in severe injuries in the event of a collision.
Likewise, drivers can cause pedestrian accidents with risky behaviors. Common driving behaviors that increase pedestrian accidents include speeding, failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, and not paying attention. Both drivers and pedestrians can cause accidents by being distracted. Texting while walking or driving has led to many pedestrian accidents.
Drivers can avoid pedestrian accidents by going the speed limit, not engaging in distracted driving, and following crosswalk laws. Some crosswalks have traffic signals while others have stop signs, yield signs, or signs telling drivers to slow down. Following these signs, even in parking lots, is important. Otherwise, other drivers and pedestrians can become confused, and a mistake can cause an accident.
There are several pedestrian safety tips that can decrease the chances of an accident. For one, following all road signs and crosswalk rules is vital. Knowing when to yield to traffic is important for not confusing drivers which helps avoid accidents.
Using sidewalks is much safer but when sidewalks are unavailable, walking while facing traffic is the next safest option. Keep as far away from traffic as possible and avoid walking on roadsides, if at all possible, when there are other ways to reach a destination. Be wary of drivers backing up or driving in parking lots.
Consider contacting a New York City pedestrian accident lawyer if you were in a serious accident.
You may not have to deal with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident alone. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our Richmond legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Violent car accidents can often result in severe and life-threatening injuries. Catastrophic car accident injuries could warrant additional compensation that can help cover added expenses associated with these types of injuries. If you have any questions about how to obtain additional compensation, then ask a New York City car accident attorney for help.
Catastrophic car accident injuries are the types of injuries that are severe, life-threatening, or life-changing. Many of these injuries result in either long-term expensive medical treatments or lifelong impairments and disabilities. Some of the most common types of catastrophic car accident injuries are:
The long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries vary wildly depending on which of the brain is injured and the injury severity. Some brain injuries heal within a month or longer. Moderate to severe brain injuries can come with lifelong deficits in thinking, movement, sensation, communication, or personality.
Motor deficits from brain injuries can cause problems with walking, physical activity, and coordination. Some people might become unemployed as a result. Thinking problems related to memory, attention, or logical reasoning can also lead to difficulties with maintaining a basic income.
Spinal cord injuries can result in partial or full-body paralysis. Breathing and eating problems can result. This can dramatically change a person's life. Traumatic amputations can also lead to physical disabilities that may limit job options and limit physical activities.
Severe burn injuries create multiple complications from infection risks, chronic pain, disfigurement, and surgical amputations. Some burn injuries may result in long-term disabilities.
If you suffered catastrophic and life-changing injuries from a car accident caused by another driver, then you could be eligible for additional compensation. Being aware of the compensatory damages offered for car accidents can help you figure this process out. The two main compensatory damages are economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages cover measurable monetary losses from the car accident. These include medical bills, car repair costs, car replacement expenses, and lost wages from missed work. You can prove these with bill statements, medical records, pay stubs, receipts, and other documents.
Non-economic damages include subjective distress caused by the accident like physical pain or psychological suffering. Proving these damages can be challenging and may require witness statements or therapy records. Pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment, and the loss of your relationship are types of non-economic damages.
Consider contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you have questions about how to prove each of these damages. Your lawyer can also help you add up damages you could sue for to maximize your compensation.
Major car accidents can happen at the most unexpected times. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York automobile accident attorney for a free consultation. Our Suffolk legal team can help you obtain additional compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
When the pain and soreness from a car accident have still not gone away after a week, many people become concerned. Certain injuries might induce chronic back pain that lasts several weeks, months, or years. Figuring out the cause of your back pain could help you potentially sue for additional compensation. Explain your situation to a New York City automobile accident lawyer to see if you could qualify.
The violent forces and impacts of a car accident can inflict various types of damage to the back. Finding the precise cause of your back pain often requires a visit to your doctor or a specialist. Some of the most common causes of back pain after a car accident include:
Strains involve stretched or torn muscles and ligaments that make up the back and spine. This can happen in the upper, middle, or lower back. Torn muscle and ligaments may require surgery to reattach tissues for proper healing. Some strains may involve pain and soreness that persists after the injury or surgery.
Ruptured disks involve ruptures of the discs between each vertebra that serve as cushions. Without these cushions, the nerves around the spine can become compressed which results in pain. This might be managed with surgery and prescription medications.
Spinal cord injuries represent the most severe type of back injury because this injury can cause lifelong paralysis. Severe back pain right after a car accident could indicate a spinal cord injury. Some spinal cord injuries can result in chronic pain depending on whether the nerves and spinal cord were damaged.
Spine fractures, otherwise known as fractures to the vertebrae that make up the spine, can cause spinal cord injuries. These fractures may also result in pain if nerves are damaged.
You might be wondering if you can sue for chronic back pain. If the other driver was partially at fault and your injuries are severe, you could sue for additional compensation. Increase your chances by documenting medical evidence tied to the car accident and your back pain.
Keep a written log with dates and times of your back pain, daily struggles, symptoms, and treatments. Detail doctor's appointments, medical expenses, and medications. Talk with your doctor about how the pain started right after the car accident. This is essential for tying your injury to the accident.
Consider contacting a New York City accident lawyer about how to file a car accident claim for compensation. This compensation could cover your pain and suffering.
Dealing with chronic back pain can be exhausting. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York car accident attorney for a free consultation today. Our Puerto Rico lawyers are prepared to increase your chances of compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Over the last decade, the use of bicycles to get around New York City has more than quadrupled. Citibike began operating in New York City in May of 2013, and since that time, New Yorkers have taken over 50 million rides. Membership has increased from 5,000 to over 150,000 and there are now over 950 docking stations throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island and New Jersey City. That trend has been accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Nationwide, bicycle sales have doubled. In May of 2020, it became nearly impossible to by a bicycle at local bicycle shops in New York City. Lines snaked around corners in Brooklyn and Queens. Showroom floors where empty. New Yorkers, concerned about the spread of the coronavirus on subways and buses, rushed to buy bicycles ahead of New York City's planned reopening in June.
Along with this increase in bicycle use, there has been an increase in bicycle accidents. In the last month, the New York City Police Department reported a 7% increase in bicycle accidents compared to 2019, while simultaneously reporting a 60% decrease in total collisions. As more people get back to work in New York City and choose to commute by bicycle, the incidents of injuries resulting from bicycle accidents is sure to increase.
While New York City has continued to expand its installation of protected bike lanes, New York City still lags behind many major cities. Accordingly, bicyclists in New York City need to be extra-vigilant to avoid begin injured or killed by a motor vehicle in New York City. While the risk of bicycle riding in New York City has decreased when taking into account the increase in rides, the absolute number of fatalities has generally remained in the range of 150 deaths per year. Last year was the exception with cycling deaths nearly tripling. Now, with a surge of bicyclists on the roads, many of whom have chosen bicycle transportation as their primary means of transportation for the first time, we are concerned that the incidents of serious injury and death are likely to continue to rise.
To protect yourself, Bike New York recommends that bicyclist always ride in the same direction as traffic, never ride within the “door zone”, the area within 4-5 feet of parked cars, be extra careful at intersections, avoid making a left-hand turn from the right side of the intersection or a right turn from the left side and obey traffic signals and signs. Bicyclists should also remember that they are required to follow the rules of the road, just like cars. In New York City, a bicyclist must use a bike lane whenever available, unless at an intersection or where the use of the bike lane would be unsafe.
However, vehicles in New York City must also remember that on most streets in New York City in many circumstances, bicyclists have the right-of-way. Motorist have a duty to keep a vigilant lookout for bicyclists, to sound their horn to warn a bicyclist of danger and to avoid colliding with a bicyclist. Driving on or across a bike lane is prohibited, except when necessary to access a driveway, leave a parking space, cross or turn in an intersection, comply with law enforcement officer or avoid an obstacle. Bicyclists are permitted on both sides of most one-way streets.
When a car, truck or bus crash into a bicyclist, the bicyclist is often seriously injured. These accidents call for prompt investigation so that potentially valuable evidence can be preserved. The bicyclist may also be concerned about how they are going to pay their medical bill or replace income where they can no longer work. Fortunately, when a car hits a bicyclist, New York's no-fault insurance law will apply and the bicyclist can get these losses reimbursed through the car's insurance.
The lawyers and paralegals at Sullivan Brill handle its client's no-fault claims for free. The firm has decades of experience representing victims of bicycle accidents. In one recently resolved case, the firm recovered $425,000 on behalf of a bicyclist that injured his hand after getting hit by a car. If you or someone you care about has been involved in a bicycle accident, you should not delay in contacting an attorney. There are deadlines that must be met in order to obtain no-fault benefits and investigation that must be done to maximize the potential value of any claim against the motorist.
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