Sullivan -Brill
(212) 566-1000

All it takes is one product defect to result in serious injuries and harm to consumers. Increasing your awareness of types of product defects and product recalls might help you avoid these types of injuries. If you were injured by a product, then you might be able to sue for substantial compensation. All you have to do is reach out to a New York City personal injury attorney to see what legal steps to take.


Avoiding injuries from defective products starts with knowing about the types of defects that cause injuries. The three main types of product defects are marketing defects, manufacturing defects, and design defects. Being able to identify these ahead of time could potentially prevent an injury.

Marketing defects can be found on labels, instructions, packaging, and product stickers. What often happens is a lack of information about the safe use of the product. If the product looks dangerous when used a certain way, then precautions could prevent an accident.

Design defects exist within the design of the product and might involve internal or overall mechanisms that go wrong. Manufacturing defects may include minor issues like loose screws, cracked pieces, or missing parts. In some cases, these can be dangerous. For example, car seats with loose screws could make the seatbelt fail.

Checking product recall lists online is also a helpful tool for avoiding defective products. There are a variety of websites like the Food and Drug Administration,, and that can be used to keep track of the most recent product recalls. Products are recalled when they pose hazards to consumers.

If you suspect the product you are using has faults, then consider checking these online product recall sites. See if this product is listed and if so, the best step might be to avoid using the product. Some people are able to request a refund.


In the event that you were injured by a defective product, you might be able to file a product liability lawsuit for compensation. A product liability claim involves first identifying the type of defect that caused your injury. Then the damages caused and ties to the product manufacturer must be proven.

You can prove this by collecting and documenting as much evidence as possible. Write down what happened and details about the product defect. Take pictures of the product defect, your injuries, and any other damages like property damage. Some cases like these may require evidence from receipts, product blueprints, and documents.

Consider contacting a New York City product liability lawyer for more information on how to file your lawsuit. A lawyer can help you obtain significant compensation.


Going up against a product company can be intimidating. Feel free to call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York product liability lawyer for a consultation today. Our team of attorneys can help you obtain compensation for any injuries or damages you suffered from a defective product. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

All it takes is one diagnostic error to change a patient's life in drastic ways. The effects of a diagnostic error depend on how severe the error is and what medical condition the person is dealing with. Some diagnostic mistakes involve minor effects while others can be life-threatening. You might be able to take legal action if this happened to you. All you have to do is discuss your situation with a New York City medical malpractice lawyer who can help.


The harm caused by diagnostic errors is more widespread than many people might think. Thousands of patients are injured or pass away each year in the United States as a result of diagnostic errors. Many of the patients who live are left with lifelong disabilities and impairments.

This is how one diagnostic error can change the rest of someone's life. Out of the thousands of medical malpractice claims filed each year, diagnostic errors represent some of the most common forms of malpractice. Compared to other forms of medical malpractice, diagnostic mistakes tend to lead to more deaths and disabilities.

Diagnostic errors can occur in several different ways. The three main types of diagnostic errors are missed diagnoses, delayed diagnoses, and wrong diagnoses. Missed diagnoses, the most common type, occur when a medical professional misses a symptom or sign and fails to diagnose a medical condition. When the medical condition is something as serious as cancer, the result of missing this can be catastrophic.

Delayed diagnoses can have similar effects on a patient with cancer. If a doctor fails to detect cancer soon enough, then this delays treatment which could result in cancer spreading. Wrong diagnoses may lead to unnecessary tests and treatments that fail to treat the underlying condition, wasting time and money.


When it comes to diagnostic error causes, these can happen during almost any phase of the diagnostic process. The phases of the diagnostic process include presentation, history taking, physical exam, tests, assessment, referral, and follow-up. An error could be deemed negligent if there is reason to believe there was an act of commission or omission.

An act of commission can happen during diagnosing when a doctor does something wrong or incorrect during the diagnosis. This might be intentionally ignoring test results or symptoms. Omission happens when a doctor fails to do the right thing or fails to take the required steps in the diagnostic process.

You may not have to pay for your medical bills and other damages if your health provider acted negligently. Consider contacting a New York City medical malpractice lawyer if you have questions about suing.


You may not have to pay for the negative effects of misdiagnosis. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 today to talk to a New York medical malpractice attorney for a free consultation. Our Bronx legal team can help you obtain compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We serve clients in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Pedestrian accidents can come with severe consequences like life-threatening injuries and liability issues. Being aware of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and safety tips might help you avoid these accidents in the future. If you were struck by a driver who was negligent, then you could be eligible for significant compensation. Ask a New York City pedestrian accident attorney for guidance if you have questions.


The first step to avoiding pedestrian accidents is being aware of what causes them. Knowing what not to do is almost always as important as knowing what to do to protect yourself from these accidents. Some of the most common pedestrian accident causes include:

Knowing that many pedestrian accidents are caused by not obeying crosswalks or failing to yield to traffic can be helpful. This means pedestrian accidents can be reduced if pedestrians follow crosswalk signals, use sidewalks instead of roadways, and yield to oncoming traffic. Running in front of traffic is risky and may result in severe injuries in the event of a collision.

Likewise, drivers can cause pedestrian accidents with risky behaviors. Common driving behaviors that increase pedestrian accidents include speeding, failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, and not paying attention. Both drivers and pedestrians can cause accidents by being distracted. Texting while walking or driving has led to many pedestrian accidents.

Drivers can avoid pedestrian accidents by going the speed limit, not engaging in distracted driving, and following crosswalk laws. Some crosswalks have traffic signals while others have stop signs, yield signs, or signs telling drivers to slow down. Following these signs, even in parking lots, is important. Otherwise, other drivers and pedestrians can become confused, and a mistake can cause an accident.


There are several pedestrian safety tips that can decrease the chances of an accident. For one, following all road signs and crosswalk rules is vital. Knowing when to yield to traffic is important for not confusing drivers which helps avoid accidents.

Using sidewalks is much safer but when sidewalks are unavailable, walking while facing traffic is the next safest option. Keep as far away from traffic as possible and avoid walking on roadsides, if at all possible, when there are other ways to reach a destination. Be wary of drivers backing up or driving in parking lots.

Consider contacting a New York City pedestrian accident lawyer if you were in a serious accident.


You may not have to deal with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident alone. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our Richmond legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

An unexpected fall can lead to serious injuries for adults aged 65 and older. Not only can medical bills add up fast, but severe fall injuries can lead to lifelong impairments. For some people, this can create financial problems. However, you may not have to pay for these expenses if the property owner was at fault. Talk to a New York City slip and fall lawyer if you think your fall injury was caused by someone else.


Not everyone realizes how serious fall injuries can be in people aged 65 and older. Around 3 million people in the age group have to go to the emergency room for a fall injury each year. Not only do falls commonly cause brain injuries, but many of them also result in deaths in this age group.

Falls are more dangerous for people aged 65 or older due to decreasing physical health with age. Not only are vision problems more common but so are difficulties with walking, balance, and reaction time. Some of the most common fall injuries in this age group are severe:

Most bone fractures from fall injuries happen in the hips, wrists, ankles, and arms. Severe bone fractures can lead to chronic pain and lifelong problems with walking. So can certain soft tissue injuries. These types of injuries may damage the tendons, muscles, or ligaments, which can reduce the range of motion and movement in the afflicted joint.

Traumatic brain injuries in the moderate to the severe range can lead to a variety of major complications. Thinking, sensation, movement, vision, and personality can all be impacted by a brain injury. Some brain injury impairments are irreversible.


Many people wonder what makes falls more common in the elderly. Being aware of common causes might help you avoid a fall injury in the future. Some of the most common causes of falls in the elderly are:

Falls can be reduced by being aware of medication side effects, walking slowly, and taking time to stand up. Becoming aware of surroundings before proceeding is helpful. However, if your fall was caused by a loose wire, unlevel footing, or wet floors on someone else's property, then you could be eligible for compensation.

Try contacting a New York City personal injury lawyer to discuss what legal options you might have for suing.


You may not have to pay for injuries caused by a negligent property owner. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York premises liability accident lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Nassau attorneys can help increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

On Thursday, the latest jury to consider the link between the genital use of talc powder and ovarian cancer concluded that 22 women developed ovarian cancer from using talc powder. It took the jury less than one day of deliberations to reach its verdict after hearing six weeks of evidence. In this case, unlike all of the previously tried cases, evidence was presented that J&J's talc powder was tainted with asbestos. The jury clearly agreed with the women, awarding them $25 million each in compensatory damages. In addition to that, however, the jury assessed $4.19 billion in punitive damages intended to punish J&J for concealing and denying the link between the genital use of talc powder and the development of ovarian cancer.


After the verdict, a J&J spokesperson rejected the verdict as the product of a “fundamentally unfair process” and vowed to appeal the verdict. Of the eight ovarian cancer cases that have been presented to juries, J&J has lost seven. The verdicts have all been appealed and have either been set aside or are pending decision. J&J has yet to pay any of the verdicts and refuses to either remove its talc products from the market or to place a warning on the label. It claims that the scientific evidence is “inconclusive” as to whether the genital use of talc causes ovarian cancer. Although juries do not seem to agree, two judges, one in New Jersey and one in California, have dismissed cases on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently prove that their use of talc powder caused their ovarian cancer. Both of those decisions have been appealed by the plaintiffs and are pending decision from the appellate court.


At Sullivan & Brill, LLP, we are dedicated to providing passionate legal assistance. If you have suffered from cancer caused by talc powder, our firm can represent you in court. We can build your case, discuss your options, and work hard to hold Johnson & Johnson, and other companies, responsible for failing to warn consumers about hazardous healthcare products.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

Read more information about Talc Powder Lawsuits.


Our firm serves clients throughout New York State, including New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Binghamton, Albany, Syracuse, and Long Island.


Sullivan & Brill, LLP
110 E. 59th Street, Floor 23,
New York, NY 10022
Sullivan & Brill, LLP
50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1400,
Buffalo, NY 14202

Copyright © Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys
