The vast majority of major surgeries that require anesthesia come with risks. One of those risks is something called anesthesia errors. A variety of anesthesia errors can happen with an array of consequences. These consequences range from severe pain and adverse reactions to death. Talk with a New York City medical malpractice attorney if you suffered harm from anesthesia.
There are several types of anesthesia errors and consequences. Being aware of these errors can help you identify the cause of the harm you suffered. This is vital if you are considering filing a medical malpractice
claim for compensation.
Some of the most common anesthesia cases that lead to death include anesthesia overdose, adverse side effects, and pregnancy care mistakes. Less common causes of death from anesthesia are malignant hyperthermia and intubation complications. Some of these causes may involve errors while others may be out of the medical professional's control.
For example, certain adverse side effects cannot be foreseen by even the most trained medical professionals. However, if the medical professional was aware of prior adverse reactions or allergies in the patient and failed to take precautions, then this could be deemed negligent. Medical professionals who fail to assess for these factors may also be considered negligent.
Other anesthesia errors can be caused by failure to maintain equipment for anesthesia, operating without adequate training, and not properly administering anesthesia. Since anesthesia often involves multiple types of medications that need to be balanced, there is room for error in this aspect as well. In some cases, this can lead to anesthesia awareness.
Not everyone has heard about anesthesia awareness when a patient wakes up during surgery. This can also take the form of being awake during the entire surgery but remaining paralyzed. The patient is unable to alert medical staff that they are awake while they feel the excruciating pain of the surgery.
This is a terrifying experience that can deter many people from undergoing surgery. However, anesthesia awareness is a rare experience. The causes of anesthesia awareness vary and may include anesthesia monitoring errors, tubing errors, user errors, and intervenors errors.
The harms caused by anesthesia awareness include the risks of shock, trauma, and the development of mental health problems. Severe emotional distress can lead to the development of lifelong struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
If the error that caused this harm can be traced back to negligence, then you might be able to file a medical malpractice claim. Consider contacting a New York City medical malpractice lawyer if you think you suffered harm from an anesthesia error.
You may not have to pay for damages you suffered from an anesthesia error. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 today to speak with a San Juan medical malpractice lawyer for a consultation. Our legal team can help maximize your compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The harm caused by defective surgical mesh can be severe. Some patients suffer prolonged pain, internal organ damage, and life-threatening injuries. Medical bills to remove the surgical mesh and repair the damages caused can be expensive. You may not have to pay for these expenses if the manufacturer or surgeon was at fault. Discuss your situation with a New York City medical malpractice lawyer to find out if you can sue.
One of the most common types of surgical mesh associated with injuries to patients involves surgical mesh for hernia repairs. There have been many recalled surgical mesh implants associated with hernia surgeries.
Anytime a medical device like surgical mesh is reported as dangerous to patients, the device is recalled from consumer use.
Those who were harmed by defective surgical mesh tended to suffer various types of injuries. Some of the most common injuries caused by surgical mesh defects with hernia repairs include:
Many of these complications can become dangerous if left untreated. Organ obstructions and perforations can lead to severe consequences. Surgical repairs for these types of damages can be expensive. This is especially true for mesh migration when the mesh moves to a different location within the body. Mesh shrinkage can also inflict internal damage and pain.
You might be able to sue for surgical mesh injuries if you suffered harm as a result of negligence. The manufacturer of the surgical mesh or the surgeon who performed the surgical mesh procedure could be held liable. Filing a surgical mesh lawsuit requires figuring out who was at fault.
A doctor could be held liable if the doctor knowingly used a defective or recalled surgical mesh. There are several signs of negligence to be aware of. Doctors who claim you need additional surgeries due to mesh complications might be covering up a mesh defect. Some doctors may say this but then say the surgery is too risky.
The manufacturer of the surgical mesh could be held liable if they produced the mesh with a defect. This defect could exist in the design of the mesh or may have occurred during mass production. Design defects often lead to recalls because they exist in all released versions of the product.
Consider contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you are unsure who was at fault for your injuries. An experienced lawyer can help you figure out who was responsible and collect evidence for your claim. Depending on the situation, you could be eligible for significant compensation.
You may not have to pay for the damages you suffered from a defective surgical mesh. Do not hesitate to contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to talk to a Long Island product liability attorney for a consultation. Our legal team is ready to increase your chances of compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Medical malpractice can sometimes go undetected until the harm caused by the malpractice is first noticed. Certain instances such as surgical malpractice may not show negative effects until years later. Learning about the signs of medical malpractice might help you detect the problem sooner. If you suspect malpractice, reach out to a New York medical malpractice attorney today.
There is no universal way to detect medical malpractice at all times. If so, then most people would be able to prevent malpractice from ever happening and there would be fewer lawsuits. Unfortunately, a lot
of malpractice happens behind the scenes, and the effects are not seen until the damage is already done.
However, there are cases where malpractice could possibly be detected sooner. There are certain signs to look for when it comes to negligent doctors and medical staff. Some medical malpractice incidents can also be immediately obvious while others may show negative effects right after a procedure.
Detecting signs of malpractice means looking for things that seem off or unprofessional. Doctors who fail to follow up with a patient who has concerns about worsening symptoms or side effects might be acting carelessly. A medical team who takes too long to see a patient who is in need of emergency care might be deemed negligent in certain cases.
Doctors who rush through the examination and diagnosis process can make mistakes. Be wary if your doctor has sped through their examination and has not addressed all of your questions. Medical professionals who ignore serious concerns expressed by a patient might be missing important details for your treatment needs.
When it comes to medications, signs to look for include:
Being aware of some of the most common types of medical malpractice might also help you detect malpractice. The main types of medical malpractice include diagnostic errors, surgical mistakes, defective medical devices, medication errors, and failure to properly treat a condition. You may not notice signs of these until after the damage is done.
For example, surgical malpractice is not something most people can foresee signs of. However, picking up on signs of this after the surgery is vital for preventing further harm. Note down any strange symptoms and effects after the surgery like infections, complications, and pain. This may uncover a surgical instrument left inside the body or a defective implant.
Consider contacting a New York City medical malpractice lawyer if you think you experienced malpractice. A lawyer can help you build your case for substantial compensation for any damages you suffered.
Figuring out if you experienced medical malpractice is not always easy. Do not hesitate to call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York medical malpractice lawyer for a consultation today. Our team of attorneys might be able to help you take legal action and obtain compensation for any damages you suffered. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
All it takes is one diagnostic error to change a patient's life in drastic ways. The effects of a diagnostic error depend on how severe the error is and what medical condition the person is dealing with. Some diagnostic mistakes involve minor effects while others can be life-threatening. You might be able to take legal action if this happened to you. All you have to do is discuss your situation with a New York City medical malpractice lawyer who can help.
The harm caused by diagnostic errors is more widespread than many people might think. Thousands of patients are injured or pass away each year in the United States as a result of diagnostic errors. Many of the patients who live are left with lifelong disabilities and impairments.
This is how one diagnostic error can change the rest of someone's life. Out of the thousands of medical malpractice claims filed each year, diagnostic errors represent some of the most common forms of malpractice. Compared to other forms of medical malpractice, diagnostic mistakes tend to lead to more deaths and disabilities.
Diagnostic errors can occur in several different ways. The three main types of diagnostic errors are missed diagnoses, delayed diagnoses, and wrong diagnoses. Missed diagnoses, the most common type, occur when a medical professional misses a symptom or sign and fails to diagnose a medical condition. When the medical condition is something as serious as cancer, the result of missing this can be catastrophic.
Delayed diagnoses can have similar effects on a patient with cancer. If a doctor fails to detect cancer soon enough, then this delays treatment which could result in cancer spreading. Wrong diagnoses may lead to unnecessary tests and treatments that fail to treat the underlying condition, wasting time and money.
When it comes to diagnostic error causes, these can happen during almost any phase of the diagnostic process. The phases of the diagnostic process include presentation, history taking, physical exam, tests, assessment, referral, and follow-up. An error could be deemed negligent if there is reason to believe there was an act of commission or omission.
An act of commission can happen during diagnosing when a doctor does something wrong or incorrect during the diagnosis. This might be intentionally ignoring test results or symptoms. Omission happens when a doctor fails to do the right thing or fails to take the required steps in the diagnostic process.
You may not have to pay for your medical bills and other damages if your health provider acted negligently. Consider contacting a New York City medical malpractice lawyer if you have questions about suing.
You may not have to pay for the negative effects of misdiagnosis. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 today to talk to a New York medical malpractice attorney for a free consultation. Our Bronx legal team can help you obtain compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We serve clients in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
A defective medication can lead to a multitude of medical complications. These complications range from mild side effects to severe allergic reactions and life-threatening effects. Some people may suffer worsening symptoms or use a medication that fails to treat their medical condition. Consider talking to a New York City product liability attorney if you have questions about how to file a lawsuit.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalls new medications each year, for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of defective medications include incorrect dosing,
contamination, mislabeling, and medication defects. These errors may happen during the design, manufacturing, or shipping of the medication.
Recalls happen when the medication is deemed harmful to the public and must be removed from shelves. Some recalls are more serious than others. Class I recalls are done for medications that have been known or could cause injuries or death. Whereas class II recalls are for medications that induce temporary negative effects. Lastly, class III recalls handling medications with labeling mistakes.
Faulty medications can result in mild to severe consequences depending on the defect. For example, a minor mislabeling error may lead to a simple lack of information about the product. However, a mislabeling error that lists the wrong dosage or frequency to use the medication could lead to an overdose.
Accidental contamination of a medication product during factory production can be as severe as death. This could be caused by deadly chemicals, cancer-causing chemicals, or chemicals that induce severe allergic reactions. Too much of one ingredient due to a factory error can also lead to severe side effects or overdoses.
A pharmaceutical company can be sued with a product liability claim if it sold a defective medication that caused harm to the public. This harm can be mental or physical and may include damages like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and medical costs. The three types of defects you can sue for are:
Design defects exist in the product itself. They impact every released version of the medication. Common examples might be medications that were not adequately tested in labs before public release. These medications may come with adverse side effects.
Manufacturing defects occur when factory errors are made. They may only impact one or a small subset of released products. One example would be the wrong dosage. Marketing defects involve mislabeling, like when allergy warnings or safe use instructions for the medication are not listed.
Try contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you have questions about suing.
Going up against a pharmaceutical company alone can feel intimidating. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York product liability lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Westchester legal team is prepared to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Certain unexpected medical emergencies like heart attacks can make a driver immune from liability for a car accident. This involves using the medical emergency defense when submitting a car accident claim. However, specific criteria must be met to qualify a driver to use this defense. Feel free to ask a New York City car accident lawyer to see if this could apply to your car accident.
The medical emergency defense is something that could make an at-fault driver immune from liability in a car accident. Only certain medical emergencies can qualify for this defense to work. Common examples of medical emergencies that usually qualify include:
What these all have in common is they are unexpected, unforeseeable medical events. They are also sudden medical conditions that are hard to manage in enough time to pull off to the side of the road. These medical events are severe enough to make drivers lose control over their vehicles.
For the medical emergency defense to work, the driver must prove the medical event caused a loss of control over driving. This loss of control must have happened before the car accident. Proving these can be difficult depending on the complexity of the accident.
If the medical emergency or event is deemed predictable, then this defense may not work. When the driver was aware of the medical condition or forewarned not to drive due to a medical condition, this could also work against this defense. Certain disorders like epilepsy, for example, may disqualify people for the medical emergency defense since they know about the risks of driving.
You can use the medical emergency defense in your car accident claim to defend against liability. Other necessary car accident steps can improve your car accident claim. One of the most important steps is to call 911 if anyone is injured. Contact the police for the same reason or if property damages are severe.
Be sure to collect the other driver's contact and auto insurance information. Without this, filing an accident claim will be extremely difficult. The same issue may arise without a copy of the police report. Obtaining a copy of your medical records is also vital to prove any injuries you suffered.
You might be able to request compensation from the other driver if you suffered injuries and the other driver was partially at fault. Consider contacting a New York City accident lawyer to see what legal steps this requires.
You may not have to pay for all the car accident damages yourself. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to speak with a New York automobile accident lawyer for a free consultation. Our New York City attorneys might be able to help you obtain compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Going through a traumatic amputation can be so intense that shock can set in and increase the chances of death. Infections are another major risk factor associated with traumatic amputations. Knowing what basic steps to take until paramedics arrive can be vital. You can also contact a New York City amputation attorney to figure out your legal options for compensation.
One of the most important traumatic amputation first aid steps is to call 911 for paramedics. Seeking professional medical help as soon as possible is extremely important for the safety of the person with the
accidental amputation. The most dangerous risk factors are bleeding out, death from shock, and deadly infections.
These are the three main risk factors that first aid can be applied to increase the chances of positive outcomes. Bleeding should be stopped in sterile ways to reduce the chances of infection. Washing your hands before attempting to stop the bleeding is highly recommended along with only using sterile cloths and materials to stop the bleeding.
Tying a tourniquet is a common practice. Elevating the site of the bleeding is also helpful for reducing the rate of bleeding. Direct pressure is usually applied for about 15 minutes before bleeding slows down. However, applying direct pressure might be needed until paramedics arrive.
Check and address signs of shock like pale skin, dizziness, fainting, weakness, and confusion. Heavy blood loss, severe pain, and the circumstances can all induce shock. Keep the person talking and thinking to keep them from passing out.
If the amputated body part is intact, then reattachment could be possible. Rinse off the amputated body part, wrap the part in a sterile bag, and place the body part in ice. This will prevent tissue deterioration and infections that could prevent reattachment.
Many people wonder if and when they can sue for a traumatic amputation. Suing for a traumatic amputation would mean filing a personal injury claim, something that requires someone else to be at fault. Whether the amputation was caused at work, in a car accident, or on someone's property, the ability to sue depends on negligence.
If someone else was partially at fault for your traumatic amputation, then you could sue them for damages. This includes damages like medical expenses, emotional distress, pain and suffering, lost wages, and lost earning capacity. Some people may have to suffer lost income because they can no longer work the same job due to the loss of a limb.
Try contacting a New York City injury lawyer to explore what legal steps this requires. You could receive substantial compensation.
You might not have to pay for your traumatic amputation expenses yourself. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our New York City legal team can help increase your chances of compensation for lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
This month attorneys have filed a request to centralize the Allergan Biocell textured breast implants lawsuits into a multidistrict litigation, also known as an MDL. The Judicial Panel of Multidistrict Litigation, JPML, is a panel of judges who will decided whether to grant this request. An MDL would consolidate the several class action lawsuits that have been filed, along with any individual cases that have been or will be filed since the recall of the breast implants into one litigation before the same judge.
The FDA has reported that women with Allergan textured breast implants have a six fold increase in the risk of developing breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, BIA-ALCL, a cancer associated with the recalled product, over any other manufacturer. The plaintiffs argue that these cases should be consolidated because of the number of women that have been affected and the commonality of their claims. Thousands of women have the recalled implants and hundreds have already began to exhibit symptoms of BIA-ALCL.
Although Allergan has agreed to cover the cost to replace the implant itself, it has not agreed to supplement any of the expenses associated with the replacement, such has the removal surgery or medical monitoring costs. The plaintiffs motion seeks to centralize the pending cases before the United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee or the United States District Court for the Central District of California. While the class action lawsuits have initiated the consolidation, individual BIA-ALCL claims will likely also be centralized into the MDL and will preserve their individual identities, utilizing the MDL processes while moving toward trial. Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys in New York are here to help victims seek justice and compensation for injuries related to these recalled implants. Contact us today for expert legal guidance.
Less than a month after textured breast implant manufacturer, Allergan, announced its voluntary recall, two women have filed a class-action lawsuit against the company. On July 24th, Allergan recalled certain textured breast implants and tissue expanders. On July 30th, Allergan announced it will pay to cover the cost of a new implant itself, but will not cover the cost of the surgery to remove and replace them.
The two women who have filed the lawsuit allege that Allegeran was aware of the increased risk of developing BIA-ALCL and dismissed and downplayed the potential risks. Like many others, these two women have spent large sums of money unbeknownst to them that the product could increase their risk of developing cancer. The class action seeks to compel Allergan to cover the costs associated with explanting the recalled product and replacing them with a safe option.
The lawyers at Sullivan & Brill, LLP are currently representing women that have been implanted with these recalled breast implants and are investigating the strength of their legal claims. No one should have to deal with the anxiety and stress of living with a recalled product inside their bodies. A medical device manufacturer has a duty to ensure that the device is reasonably safe for its intended purpose and to warn consumers of the risks of which it is aware. If the medical device is not suited for its intended purpose or if the manufacturer is aware of risks, but does not warn of these risks, the company should be held responsible for the harm the device causes.
Contact Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys for a free consultation on whether you have a viable claim, call 212-566-1000 or complete the form on the right and one of our attorneys will contact you.
As more recalls on popular blood pressure medications rollout, users should check their prescriptions bottles and see if their medication has been recalled. Valsartan, Losartan, and Irbesartan are the Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) being recalled depending on the dosage, manufacturer and lot number. The list of affected medications is not complete because the FDA is still undertaking testing of all ARBs to see if they are contaminated with the carcinogens. To see if the medication you are taking has been tested yet, and if so, what the results were, click here.
This week Teva Pharmaceuticals's voluntary recall list has expanded. Earlier in April, it recalled 35 lots of Losartan; now it has recalled an additional six lots possibly affected by the carcinogen.
The original recall states: “Based on the available information, the risk of developing cancer in a few patients following long-term use of the product cannot be ruled out”.
Teva, along with many other manufacturers, has been called on to account as to why this has occurred and to provide compensation to those who have been harmed by the medication.
The recalls which have been coming since July 2018 are the result of contamination with cancer-causing substances during the formulatiion process. Three substances found to have contaminated many lots of Valsartan are N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), and/or N-Methylnitrosobutyric acid (NMBA).
A 2018 study in Denmark showed a 9% increased risk for cancer for people who ingested Valsartan contaminated with NDMA. Short term risks are still being evaluated, but the long term effects such as liver damage, stomach cancer, kidney cancer and colon cancer have been scientifically linked to the use of the contaminated drugs for longer than 6 months.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with liver damage or gastrointestinal cancer after extended exposure to Valsartan, Losartan, and Irbesartan, please call Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation at (212)-566-1000.
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