Sullivan -Brill
(212) 566-1000

An exploding battery can cause more harm than people may realize. Numerous individuals have suffered serious injuries from exploding lithium-ion batteries, and in fact, exploding batteries have even caused death in some cases. If you were injured by an exploding battery that has a defect, then you could be eligible for substantial compensation. Reach out to a New York City product liability lawyer to learn more about what this requires.


When it comes to lithium-ion battery hazards, the main causes of harm are fires and explosions. If a defect is present, these batteries are known to catch on fire or explode. The risk comes from the unpredictability

of these explosions and how close the person is to the battery when this happens.

A common concern is how many products these lithium-ion batteries can be found in. Lithium-ion batteries are used in phones, e-cigarettes, hoverboards, electric vehicles, certain train cars, hoverboards, and laptops. One small fire from an unchecked lithium-ion battery can spread into a major house fire if no one sees the battery catch fire.

Exploding lithium-ion batteries can dismember fingers if people have the battery near or in their hands. These explosions can result in a variety of other injuries like thermal burns, lacerations, tissue damage, vision loss, hearing problems, and infections depending on the injury severity. Deaths have been reported in rare cases.

The most hazardous part about defective lithium-ion batteries is not always knowing when they will catch fire or explode. This makes it hard to be cautious with lithium-ion batteries. Some of the most common causes of lithium-battery explosions are not easily detected:


You can sue for an exploding lithium-ion battery if you can prove the injuries you suffered and the defect that caused the explosion. This same rule applies if your lithium-ion battery caught fire and caused injuries or property damages. Filing a product liability lawsuit requires determining what type of defect caused your injuries.

The three types of product defects are manufacturing defects, marketing defects, and design defects. Manufacturing defects may only exist in your lithium-ion battery because they involve a one-time mistake made during factory production. Whereas design defects exist in every released version of the product and may result in multiple battery explosions.

Marketing defects are a lack of warning labels and instructions for safe use. For example, a lack of instructions on how to safely charge and store a lithium-ion battery could be a reason to sue. Consider contacting a New York City product liability lawyer to find out what steps you can take to sue.


No one should have to pay for injuries caused by a defective product. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to talk to a Puerto Rico product liability attorney for a consultation today. Our legal team can help you obtain compensation for damages caused by an exploding battery like medical bills and emotional distress. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The harm caused by defective surgical mesh can be severe. Some patients suffer prolonged pain, internal organ damage, and life-threatening injuries. Medical bills to remove the surgical mesh and repair the damages caused can be expensive. You may not have to pay for these expenses if the manufacturer or surgeon was at fault. Discuss your situation with a New York City medical malpractice lawyer to find out if you can sue.


One of the most common types of surgical mesh associated with injuries to patients involves surgical mesh for hernia repairs. There have been many recalled surgical mesh implants associated with hernia surgeries.

Anytime a medical device like surgical mesh is reported as dangerous to patients, the device is recalled from consumer use.

Those who were harmed by defective surgical mesh tended to suffer various types of injuries. Some of the most common injuries caused by surgical mesh defects with hernia repairs include:

Many of these complications can become dangerous if left untreated. Organ obstructions and perforations can lead to severe consequences. Surgical repairs for these types of damages can be expensive. This is especially true for mesh migration when the mesh moves to a different location within the body. Mesh shrinkage can also inflict internal damage and pain.


You might be able to sue for surgical mesh injuries if you suffered harm as a result of negligence. The manufacturer of the surgical mesh or the surgeon who performed the surgical mesh procedure could be held liable. Filing a surgical mesh lawsuit requires figuring out who was at fault.

A doctor could be held liable if the doctor knowingly used a defective or recalled surgical mesh. There are several signs of negligence to be aware of. Doctors who claim you need additional surgeries due to mesh complications might be covering up a mesh defect. Some doctors may say this but then say the surgery is too risky.

The manufacturer of the surgical mesh could be held liable if they produced the mesh with a defect. This defect could exist in the design of the mesh or may have occurred during mass production. Design defects often lead to recalls because they exist in all released versions of the product.

Consider contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you are unsure who was at fault for your injuries. An experienced lawyer can help you figure out who was responsible and collect evidence for your claim. Depending on the situation, you could be eligible for significant compensation.


You may not have to pay for the damages you suffered from a defective surgical mesh. Do not hesitate to contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to talk to a Long Island product liability attorney for a consultation. Our legal team is ready to increase your chances of compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

All it takes is one product defect to result in serious injuries and harm to consumers. Increasing your awareness of types of product defects and product recalls might help you avoid these types of injuries. If you were injured by a product, then you might be able to sue for substantial compensation. All you have to do is reach out to a New York City personal injury attorney to see what legal steps to take.


Avoiding injuries from defective products starts with knowing about the types of defects that cause injuries. The three main types of product defects are marketing defects, manufacturing defects, and design defects. Being able to identify these ahead of time could potentially prevent an injury.

Marketing defects can be found on labels, instructions, packaging, and product stickers. What often happens is a lack of information about the safe use of the product. If the product looks dangerous when used a certain way, then precautions could prevent an accident.

Design defects exist within the design of the product and might involve internal or overall mechanisms that go wrong. Manufacturing defects may include minor issues like loose screws, cracked pieces, or missing parts. In some cases, these can be dangerous. For example, car seats with loose screws could make the seatbelt fail.

Checking product recall lists online is also a helpful tool for avoiding defective products. There are a variety of websites like the Food and Drug Administration,, and that can be used to keep track of the most recent product recalls. Products are recalled when they pose hazards to consumers.

If you suspect the product you are using has faults, then consider checking these online product recall sites. See if this product is listed and if so, the best step might be to avoid using the product. Some people are able to request a refund.


In the event that you were injured by a defective product, you might be able to file a product liability lawsuit for compensation. A product liability claim involves first identifying the type of defect that caused your injury. Then the damages caused and ties to the product manufacturer must be proven.

You can prove this by collecting and documenting as much evidence as possible. Write down what happened and details about the product defect. Take pictures of the product defect, your injuries, and any other damages like property damage. Some cases like these may require evidence from receipts, product blueprints, and documents.

Consider contacting a New York City product liability lawyer for more information on how to file your lawsuit. A lawyer can help you obtain significant compensation.


Going up against a product company can be intimidating. Feel free to call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York product liability lawyer for a consultation today. Our team of attorneys can help you obtain compensation for any injuries or damages you suffered from a defective product. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Medical malpractice can sometimes go undetected until the harm caused by the malpractice is first noticed. Certain instances such as surgical malpractice may not show negative effects until years later. Learning about the signs of medical malpractice might help you detect the problem sooner. If you suspect malpractice, reach out to a New York medical malpractice attorney today.


There is no universal way to detect medical malpractice at all times. If so, then most people would be able to prevent malpractice from ever happening and there would be fewer lawsuits. Unfortunately, a lot

of malpractice happens behind the scenes, and the effects are not seen until the damage is already done.

However, there are cases where malpractice could possibly be detected sooner. There are certain signs to look for when it comes to negligent doctors and medical staff. Some medical malpractice incidents can also be immediately obvious while others may show negative effects right after a procedure.

Detecting signs of malpractice means looking for things that seem off or unprofessional. Doctors who fail to follow up with a patient who has concerns about worsening symptoms or side effects might be acting carelessly. A medical team who takes too long to see a patient who is in need of emergency care might be deemed negligent in certain cases.

Doctors who rush through the examination and diagnosis process can make mistakes. Be wary if your doctor has sped through their examination and has not addressed all of your questions. Medical professionals who ignore serious concerns expressed by a patient might be missing important details for your treatment needs.

When it comes to medications, signs to look for include:


Being aware of some of the most common types of medical malpractice might also help you detect malpractice. The main types of medical malpractice include diagnostic errors, surgical mistakes, defective medical devices, medication errors, and failure to properly treat a condition. You may not notice signs of these until after the damage is done.

For example, surgical malpractice is not something most people can foresee signs of. However, picking up on signs of this after the surgery is vital for preventing further harm. Note down any strange symptoms and effects after the surgery like infections, complications, and pain. This may uncover a surgical instrument left inside the body or a defective implant.

Consider contacting a New York City medical malpractice lawyer if you think you experienced malpractice. A lawyer can help you build your case for substantial compensation for any damages you suffered.


Figuring out if you experienced medical malpractice is not always easy. Do not hesitate to call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York medical malpractice lawyer for a consultation today. Our team of attorneys might be able to help you take legal action and obtain compensation for any damages you suffered. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Almost every medication has side effects listed on the label. The primary reason for this is to avoid being sued. However, when a side effect is experienced but not listed on the label, then the medication company could be liable. If you suffered unexpected harm from a medication, then you might be able to sue the prescribing medical professional or medication company. Talk to a New York medical malpractice lawyer to explore your options.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes adverse medication reactions, or side effects, as unwanted effects caused by a medication. In some cases, these side effects are common and mild, rare and severe, or rare and mild. Medications with common and severe side effects often do not make it into the market.

A single medication can cause adverse side effects but so can mixing medications. This can happen by accident when patients are prescribed multiple medications at once. These medication interactions can lead to worse side effects than if the medications were taken alone.

All of these are reasons why most medication labels have extensive lists of side effects and warnings. Many warning labels will instruct consumers not to mix the medication with specific types of medications. Some medications have labels that warn consumers against driving or operating heavy machinery due to the side effects.

Doctors are also expected to warn patients about potential adverse side effects. This includes side effects that could lead to high risks while driving. pregnant, or consuming certain substances like alcohol. Ignoring these warnings comes down to the liability of the patient. When no warnings are given, liability for harm falls onto the prescriber or manufacturer of the medication.


If you suffered significant harm from a defective medication and you were not warned about this harm, then you might be able to sue. Medical malpractice claims can be filed against doctors who fail to warn patients. A product liability claim can be filed against the medication manufacturer if a mistake was made with the product itself.

Filing a product liability claim related to medication side effects often comes down to identifying marketing defects. A marketing defect occurs when a product fails to properly label or provide instructions for safe use. Medications that exclude information and labels about side effects, negative medication interactions, and what to avoid while on the medication fit this standard.

Consider contacting a New York product liability lawyer if you suspect a marketing defect. Collect evidence by keeping the defective product, documenting your damages, and with copies of medical records.


You could be eligible for compensation if you suffered harm from a faulty medication. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York product liability attorney for a free consultation. Our San Juan team of lawyers might be able to increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, emotional distress, and other damages caused by the medication. We serve clients in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Pedestrian accidents can come with severe consequences like life-threatening injuries and liability issues. Being aware of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and safety tips might help you avoid these accidents in the future. If you were struck by a driver who was negligent, then you could be eligible for significant compensation. Ask a New York City pedestrian accident attorney for guidance if you have questions.


The first step to avoiding pedestrian accidents is being aware of what causes them. Knowing what not to do is almost always as important as knowing what to do to protect yourself from these accidents. Some of the most common pedestrian accident causes include:

Knowing that many pedestrian accidents are caused by not obeying crosswalks or failing to yield to traffic can be helpful. This means pedestrian accidents can be reduced if pedestrians follow crosswalk signals, use sidewalks instead of roadways, and yield to oncoming traffic. Running in front of traffic is risky and may result in severe injuries in the event of a collision.

Likewise, drivers can cause pedestrian accidents with risky behaviors. Common driving behaviors that increase pedestrian accidents include speeding, failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, and not paying attention. Both drivers and pedestrians can cause accidents by being distracted. Texting while walking or driving has led to many pedestrian accidents.

Drivers can avoid pedestrian accidents by going the speed limit, not engaging in distracted driving, and following crosswalk laws. Some crosswalks have traffic signals while others have stop signs, yield signs, or signs telling drivers to slow down. Following these signs, even in parking lots, is important. Otherwise, other drivers and pedestrians can become confused, and a mistake can cause an accident.


There are several pedestrian safety tips that can decrease the chances of an accident. For one, following all road signs and crosswalk rules is vital. Knowing when to yield to traffic is important for not confusing drivers which helps avoid accidents.

Using sidewalks is much safer but when sidewalks are unavailable, walking while facing traffic is the next safest option. Keep as far away from traffic as possible and avoid walking on roadsides, if at all possible, when there are other ways to reach a destination. Be wary of drivers backing up or driving in parking lots.

Consider contacting a New York City pedestrian accident lawyer if you were in a serious accident.


You may not have to deal with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident alone. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our Richmond legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

An unexpected fall can lead to serious injuries for adults aged 65 and older. Not only can medical bills add up fast, but severe fall injuries can lead to lifelong impairments. For some people, this can create financial problems. However, you may not have to pay for these expenses if the property owner was at fault. Talk to a New York City slip and fall lawyer if you think your fall injury was caused by someone else.


Not everyone realizes how serious fall injuries can be in people aged 65 and older. Around 3 million people in the age group have to go to the emergency room for a fall injury each year. Not only do falls commonly cause brain injuries, but many of them also result in deaths in this age group.

Falls are more dangerous for people aged 65 or older due to decreasing physical health with age. Not only are vision problems more common but so are difficulties with walking, balance, and reaction time. Some of the most common fall injuries in this age group are severe:

Most bone fractures from fall injuries happen in the hips, wrists, ankles, and arms. Severe bone fractures can lead to chronic pain and lifelong problems with walking. So can certain soft tissue injuries. These types of injuries may damage the tendons, muscles, or ligaments, which can reduce the range of motion and movement in the afflicted joint.

Traumatic brain injuries in the moderate to the severe range can lead to a variety of major complications. Thinking, sensation, movement, vision, and personality can all be impacted by a brain injury. Some brain injury impairments are irreversible.


Many people wonder what makes falls more common in the elderly. Being aware of common causes might help you avoid a fall injury in the future. Some of the most common causes of falls in the elderly are:

Falls can be reduced by being aware of medication side effects, walking slowly, and taking time to stand up. Becoming aware of surroundings before proceeding is helpful. However, if your fall was caused by a loose wire, unlevel footing, or wet floors on someone else's property, then you could be eligible for compensation.

Try contacting a New York City personal injury lawyer to discuss what legal options you might have for suing.


You may not have to pay for injuries caused by a negligent property owner. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York premises liability accident lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Nassau attorneys can help increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Violent car accidents can often result in severe and life-threatening injuries. Catastrophic car accident injuries could warrant additional compensation that can help cover added expenses associated with these types of injuries. If you have any questions about how to obtain additional compensation, then ask a New York City car accident attorney for help.


Catastrophic car accident injuries are the types of injuries that are severe, life-threatening, or life-changing. Many of these injuries result in either long-term expensive medical treatments or lifelong impairments and disabilities. Some of the most common types of catastrophic car accident injuries are:

The long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries vary wildly depending on which of the brain is injured and the injury severity. Some brain injuries heal within a month or longer. Moderate to severe brain injuries can come with lifelong deficits in thinking, movement, sensation, communication, or personality.

Motor deficits from brain injuries can cause problems with walking, physical activity, and coordination. Some people might become unemployed as a result. Thinking problems related to memory, attention, or logical reasoning can also lead to difficulties with maintaining a basic income.

Spinal cord injuries can result in partial or full-body paralysis. Breathing and eating problems can result. This can dramatically change a person's life. Traumatic amputations can also lead to physical disabilities that may limit job options and limit physical activities.

Severe burn injuries create multiple complications from infection risks, chronic pain, disfigurement, and surgical amputations. Some burn injuries may result in long-term disabilities.


If you suffered catastrophic and life-changing injuries from a car accident caused by another driver, then you could be eligible for additional compensation. Being aware of the compensatory damages offered for car accidents can help you figure this process out. The two main compensatory damages are economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages cover measurable monetary losses from the car accident. These include medical bills, car repair costs, car replacement expenses, and lost wages from missed work. You can prove these with bill statements, medical records, pay stubs, receipts, and other documents.

Non-economic damages include subjective distress caused by the accident like physical pain or psychological suffering. Proving these damages can be challenging and may require witness statements or therapy records. Pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment, and the loss of your relationship are types of non-economic damages.

Consider contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you have questions about how to prove each of these damages. Your lawyer can also help you add up damages you could sue for to maximize your compensation.


Major car accidents can happen at the most unexpected times. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York automobile accident attorney for a free consultation. Our Suffolk legal team can help you obtain additional compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

A defective medication can lead to a multitude of medical complications. These complications range from mild side effects to severe allergic reactions and life-threatening effects. Some people may suffer worsening symptoms or use a medication that fails to treat their medical condition. Consider talking to a New York City product liability attorney if you have questions about how to file a lawsuit.


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalls new medications each year, for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of defective medications include incorrect dosing,

contamination, mislabeling, and medication defects. These errors may happen during the design, manufacturing, or shipping of the medication.

Recalls happen when the medication is deemed harmful to the public and must be removed from shelves. Some recalls are more serious than others. Class I recalls are done for medications that have been known or could cause injuries or death. Whereas class II recalls are for medications that induce temporary negative effects. Lastly, class III recalls handling medications with labeling mistakes.

Faulty medications can result in mild to severe consequences depending on the defect. For example, a minor mislabeling error may lead to a simple lack of information about the product. However, a mislabeling error that lists the wrong dosage or frequency to use the medication could lead to an overdose.

Accidental contamination of a medication product during factory production can be as severe as death. This could be caused by deadly chemicals, cancer-causing chemicals, or chemicals that induce severe allergic reactions. Too much of one ingredient due to a factory error can also lead to severe side effects or overdoses.


A pharmaceutical company can be sued with a product liability claim if it sold a defective medication that caused harm to the public. This harm can be mental or physical and may include damages like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and medical costs. The three types of defects you can sue for are:

Design defects exist in the product itself. They impact every released version of the medication. Common examples might be medications that were not adequately tested in labs before public release. These medications may come with adverse side effects.

Manufacturing defects occur when factory errors are made. They may only impact one or a small subset of released products. One example would be the wrong dosage. Marketing defects involve mislabeling, like when allergy warnings or safe use instructions for the medication are not listed.

Try contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you have questions about suing.


Going up against a pharmaceutical company alone can feel intimidating. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York product liability lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Westchester legal team is prepared to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

While car accidents cannot usually be predicted, there are ways to decrease the chances of future accidents. Looking into various driving safety tips and defensive driving methods might reduce your chances of a car accident. If you were in a major accident, you could be eligible for compensation depending on the circumstances. Talk to a New York City car accident attorney to find out.


Many driving safety tips come from knowing what causes car accidents the most. The top causes of car

accidents are distracted driving, drugged driving, sleep deprivation, and speeding. Other common causes include risky driving maneuvers and not checking blind spots.

One major way to reduce the chances of a car accident is to avoid all of these main causes. Avoid driving when drunk or sleep-deprived. Pull off to the side of the road to use the phone instead of trying to continue driving. Always check blind spots and drive cautiously instead of taking even small risks.

There are also tips for avoiding certain types of car accidents. Hydroplaning can be avoided by slowing down on wet roads. If the vehicle starts hydroplaning, rather than hitting the brakes, slowly apply pressure to the brake pedal. Allowing the car to slow down on its own is much safer than trying to regain control.

Reduce rear-end car accidents by maintaining two car lengths of distance from other drivers. Slow down instead of tailgating. Left-turn collisions can be avoided by following a similar rule. What tends to cause these accidents is failing to accurately judge distance and time. Be sure to give yourself plenty of distance and time to turn in front of traffic.


Defensive driving is a set of driving skills that can significantly reduce the chances of a car accident. Many people associate defensive driving with legal punishment. However, learning about defensive driving skills can give you major advantages for avoiding car accidents.

Defensive driving is all about caution and thinking ahead. Instead of going in blind, defensive driving teaches people to expect what other drivers might do. This means preparing for how other drivers may react to changes on the road and other drivers.

This means keeping enough driving distance from drivers in front of you. Going the speed limit and slowing down in inclement weather is part of this. Avoiding distractions and keeping an eye on mirrors, blind spots, and changes on the road is vital.

However, if you find yourself in an accident, feel free to contact a New York City accident lawyer for advice. You could be eligible for compensation.


Knowing what to do after a car accident can be confusing. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York automobile accident attorney for a free consultation. Our Rockland Counties legal team can help you increase your compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

If you were injured or significantly harmed by a defective medical device, then you could be eligible for substantial compensation. Depending on the circumstances, you might be able to file a lawsuit against your doctor or the product manufacturer. The hard part is figuring out who to sue and how to sue. Feel free to reach out to a New York City product liability lawyer for answers.


Medical devices are recalled by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) each year due to defects. The harm caused by defective medical devices ranges from mild discomfort to life-threatening injuries. Depending on the type of medical device that becomes defective, a person could be left with permanent harm.

Some of the most common defective medical devices that have been recalled over the past several years are implants. Surgical mesh was recalled after the mesh shrunk over time, resulting in severe pain in patients who had the mesh implanted in them. What happened is surgical mesh manufacturers were able to skip testing of their product with legal loopholes.

Many medical device companies will attempt to do the same thing to speed up their revenue. An implanted lap band designed to reduce eating for purposes of helping patients lose weight ended up injuring patients. The lap band had started causing many patients chronic nausea, vomiting, and little to no results with weight loss.

Metal hip implants were recalled after several implant failures with one patient suffering the effects of metal debris poisoning. Other patients suffered chronic pain and injuries from these hip implants. Some patients struggled with physical activities as a result.


You might be wondering if you should sue your doctor or the medical device manufacturer for your injuries. This can be a difficult question because the answer depends on who was negligent. If the doctor knowingly used a defective medical device, then the doctor could be held liable.

A damaged or defective medical device for one medical device only could be a user error by a doctor or a manufacturing error. Having a manufacturing error would mean you would sue the product manufacturer. This involves filing a product liability lawsuit against the medical device company.

Taking an action like this can be intimidating but might be easier than suing your doctor if you have evidence. You must prove a defect in the design, manufacturing, or marketing of the medical device. Pictures of the damage, defects, and blueprints all serve as evidence.

Try contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you have questions about what other steps to take.


Figuring out how to sue for a defective medical device can be complicated. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to speak with a New York medical malpractice lawyer for a free consultation. Our San Juan legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, emotional distress, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

When the pain and soreness from a car accident have still not gone away after a week, many people become concerned. Certain injuries might induce chronic back pain that lasts several weeks, months, or years. Figuring out the cause of your back pain could help you potentially sue for additional compensation. Explain your situation to a New York City automobile accident lawyer to see if you could qualify.


The violent forces and impacts of a car accident can inflict various types of damage to the back. Finding the precise cause of your back pain often requires a visit to your doctor or a specialist. Some of the most common causes of back pain after a car accident include:

Strains involve stretched or torn muscles and ligaments that make up the back and spine. This can happen in the upper, middle, or lower back. Torn muscle and ligaments may require surgery to reattach tissues for proper healing. Some strains may involve pain and soreness that persists after the injury or surgery.

Ruptured disks involve ruptures of the discs between each vertebra that serve as cushions. Without these cushions, the nerves around the spine can become compressed which results in pain. This might be managed with surgery and prescription medications.

Spinal cord injuries represent the most severe type of back injury because this injury can cause lifelong paralysis. Severe back pain right after a car accident could indicate a spinal cord injury. Some spinal cord injuries can result in chronic pain depending on whether the nerves and spinal cord were damaged.

Spine fractures, otherwise known as fractures to the vertebrae that make up the spine, can cause spinal cord injuries. These fractures may also result in pain if nerves are damaged.


You might be wondering if you can sue for chronic back pain. If the other driver was partially at fault and your injuries are severe, you could sue for additional compensation. Increase your chances by documenting medical evidence tied to the car accident and your back pain.

Keep a written log with dates and times of your back pain, daily struggles, symptoms, and treatments. Detail doctor's appointments, medical expenses, and medications. Talk with your doctor about how the pain started right after the car accident. This is essential for tying your injury to the accident.

Consider contacting a New York City accident lawyer about how to file a car accident claim for compensation. This compensation could cover your pain and suffering.


Dealing with chronic back pain can be exhausting. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York car accident attorney for a free consultation today. Our Puerto Rico lawyers are prepared to increase your chances of compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Certain unexpected medical emergencies like heart attacks can make a driver immune from liability for a car accident. This involves using the medical emergency defense when submitting a car accident claim. However, specific criteria must be met to qualify a driver to use this defense. Feel free to ask a New York City car accident lawyer to see if this could apply to your car accident.


The medical emergency defense is something that could make an at-fault driver immune from liability in a car accident. Only certain medical emergencies can qualify for this defense to work. Common examples of medical emergencies that usually qualify include:

What these all have in common is they are unexpected, unforeseeable medical events. They are also sudden medical conditions that are hard to manage in enough time to pull off to the side of the road. These medical events are severe enough to make drivers lose control over their vehicles.

For the medical emergency defense to work, the driver must prove the medical event caused a loss of control over driving. This loss of control must have happened before the car accident. Proving these can be difficult depending on the complexity of the accident.

If the medical emergency or event is deemed predictable, then this defense may not work. When the driver was aware of the medical condition or forewarned not to drive due to a medical condition, this could also work against this defense. Certain disorders like epilepsy, for example, may disqualify people for the medical emergency defense since they know about the risks of driving.


You can use the medical emergency defense in your car accident claim to defend against liability. Other necessary car accident steps can improve your car accident claim. One of the most important steps is to call 911 if anyone is injured. Contact the police for the same reason or if property damages are severe.

Be sure to collect the other driver's contact and auto insurance information. Without this, filing an accident claim will be extremely difficult. The same issue may arise without a copy of the police report. Obtaining a copy of your medical records is also vital to prove any injuries you suffered.

You might be able to request compensation from the other driver if you suffered injuries and the other driver was partially at fault. Consider contacting a New York City accident lawyer to see what legal steps this requires.


You may not have to pay for all the car accident damages yourself. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to speak with a New York automobile accident lawyer for a free consultation. Our New York City attorneys might be able to help you obtain compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

On May 15, 2020, a proposed plan of settlement was agreed to in the Imerys bankruptcy to compensate women harmed by talcum powder. Imerys has coined itself as the world leader in the production and processing of minerals. The French-based multinational corporation has been named in the talcum powder litigation as the primary supplier for Johnson & Johnson's talcum baby powder. Over the past decade, it has faced liability lawsuits. In 2018, Imerys settled the claims of 22 women for 5.5 million in Missouri prior to trial. The trial proceeded against Johnson & Johnson and resulted in a 4.7 billion dollar verdict. In February 2019, Imerys's North American Subsidies filed for bankruptcy. As part of the bankruptcy resolution, Imerys is proposing, subject to court approval, to auction off the North American operations and put the proceeds into a trust fund for current and future women that develop ovarian cancer from their use of talcum powder. Essentially, it is offering to settle the present and future claims for the fair market value for the North American operations. In return, it will no longer be named as a defendant future liability lawsuits. "Today's announcement marks an important step toward a permanent resolution of historic talc-related liabilities," said Alessandro Dazza, Imerys' Chief Executive Officer. "The Plan, once approved by the relevant Courts, represents a favorable outcome for the Group and the Talc Subsidiaries, and will enable the Group to focus on its current operations and move forward free from these past liabilities." Under the proposed plan, the completion of the sale is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2020. The ramifications for the Talcum Powder multidistrict litigation and for Johnson & Johnson remain unclear. Learn more with Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys in New York.

After years of push back from Johnson & Johnson claiming it's baby powder products are completely safe, J&J has recalled over 33,000 bottles. The recall came after the Food and Drug Administration found unsafe levels of asbestos, a carcinogen, in some bottles.

For years, Johnson & Johnson has defended the purity of baby powder products in lawsuits filed by women throughout the country. The women have alleged that J&J's talc baby powder contained asbestos and fibrous talcum which has caused their ovarian and mesothelioma cancer. The individuals perusing the lawsuit are suing on the grounds that Johnson & Johnson did not warn of the increased risk of developing cancer despite being aware of them for decades, and even going as far as to cover up the evidence. Often times, these diagnoses are fatal and despite numerous extremely high jury verdicts in favor of the plaintiffs, J&J has stood by their product. They have appealed every trial decision and there have been no publicly reported settlements, instead they have vigorously fought individuals who have been harmed by their corporate misconduct.

The tests run by the FDA show trace levels of asbestos in the 22-ounce bottles from lot number 22318RB. Johnson & Johnson responded with the recall, saying they are “taking an overabundance of caution” and they also advise any individuals with baby powder from lot number 22318RB to discontinue use immediately. Although Johnson & Johnson has issued this recall after significant pressure from the FDA and public, they continue to defend their product stating that they will “determine the integrity of the tested sample and the validity of the test results”

The FDA spokeswomen, Gloria Sánchez-Contreras, responded to the accusation stating “The F.D.A. stands by the quality of its testing and results.”

Until this point, Johnson & Johnson has never recalled any of its baby powder products. They have remained on the shelves as many individuals unassumingly continue the use of a product that has caused illness in so many others. Baby powder is classified as a cosmetic product. It has no therapeutic or medical benefit whatsoever. Personal care and cosmetic products do not have to be tested by the FDA before they go to market. They are only tested, very occasionally, after public concern has been raised. Previous FDA tests of J&J baby powder from earlier this year and one from ten years ago did not find asbestos. However, there is no safe level of asbestos. Health risk increase with more frequent use but evidence suggests any amount of exposure can be harmful. Many companies that carry baby powder, such as Rite Aid, Walgreens and CVS have taken all baby powder bottles off its shelves.  Other carriers like Walmart, have chosen to only remove certain lot number bottles of the 22-ounce powder. Other companies have begun to sell and market cornstarch-based alternatives which are said to have the same feeling as talcum powder without the increased risk for disease.

Although baby powder itself makes up a smaller portion of J&J sales, the threat to the company's reputation is significant.  Many consumers are saying enough is enough to the corporation profiting at the expense of their safety. Johnson & Johnson has found themselves in a very unfavorable light as many ongoing litigations have fallen in the plaintiff's favor recently. Time and time again J&J continued corporate misconduct has harmed the consumer. Other litigations Johnson & Johnson are responsible for include; Risperdal, Pelvic Transvaginal Mesh, Pinnacle Acetabular Cup, Xarelto, Marketing for Opioids and many more.  Johnson& Johnson has had complete disregard for the wellbeing of the consumer, selling these harmful products where oftentimes, internal documents confirm that they were aware of the risks but ignored it and hid the knowledge from the public.  Their goal was and continues to be, only to deepen their pockets, even at the expense of the consumer's health. Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys in New York are here to help if you’ve been affected by the Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder recall.


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110 E. 59th Street, Floor 23,
New York, NY 10022
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50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1400,
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