Driving at night is something almost everyone has found themselves doing at one point in their lives. Many people already know that one of the main struggles with driving at night is not being able to see as well. However, this is not the only potential hazard with driving at night. Consider asking a New York City car accident attorney about options for compensation if you were in an accident at night.
The dangers of driving at night come from driving in the dark and encountering drivers engaging in risky behaviors. One of the most well-known dangers of driving in the dark is reduced visual abilities. Vision becomes increasingly hindered at night with effects like:
Vision difficulties like these can create a variety of causes of car accidents. A driver may not see the other driver in enough time to avoid a collision. Drivers can become confused in busy traffic when they cannot see what other drivers are doing. Not being able to judge distance as well can lead to collisions when turning.
Fatigue can make driving risky for driving at night and for encountering drowsy drivers. Sleep deprivation and late-night driving can increase the chances of falling asleep at the wheel. Drowsy driving also results in decreased reaction time, slower reflexes, and poor coordination.
When it comes to the dangers of encountering other drivers engaging in risky behaviors, this is more common at night. You will be more likely to encounter drowsy drivers, drunk drivers, and drivers who tend to drive recklessly.
Multiple tips for diving at night can help decrease your chances of a car accident. To reduce drowsy driving, avoid driving when sleep-deprived, use caffeine to wake up, avoid driving late hours in the night, or pull off to the shoulder when drowsy. Check which medications cause drowsiness and avoid driving when on them.
Drive slower and more cautiously in busy traffic, intersections, and tricky roads at night. When turning, take your time to make sure other drivers are far enough away from you. Always use headlights to improve your vision and to show drivers where you are.
Scan the road you are driving on more often when driving in the dark. Headlights can only reveal so much. Be wary of animals crossing the road in certain areas. If you do find yourself in a car accident, try contacting a New York City car accident lawyer to explore legal options. Depending on what happened, you could be eligible for significant compensation.
You may not have to pay for your car accident expenses. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a Nassau automobile accident lawyer for a consultation about today. Our legal team is ready to increase your chances of compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
An unexpected dog attack can be frightening and leave both physical and emotional scars. Depending on the severity of the attack, a dog can be deemed dangerous by the state of New York. This can lead to various steps to reduce the chances of the dog attacking someone else in the future. If you have questions about this process, a New York City dog bite lawyer might be able to help.
New York dangerous dog laws define a dangerous dog as any dog that attacks a person or animal for no identified reason. For this definition to fully apply, the dog attack must have caused a significant physical injury or death. However, this definition may also apply if it can be proven in court that the dog acted in a manner that someone would deem a serious threat.
The burden of proof falls on the person who is filing a claim against the dog owner. This person must prove that the dog was not justified in attacking another person or animal. Only certain animals count like farm animals, pets, and domesticated animals. Other animals like wildlife may not always count in these types of cases.
It must be proven that a physical injury resulted from the attack. This can be proven with pictures of the injuries and medical records. A physical injury ranges from substantial pain to a serious and life-threatening injury.
Certain exceptions can make the dog owner immune to any damages caused by the dog. These exceptions to the dangerous dog rule include:
There are important safety and legal steps to take after a dog bite. The most important initial dog bite steps to take are calling 911 when life-threatening injuries are present and moving away from the dog. If injuries are not severe, then a trip to a walk-in clinic or emergency room might be a more affordable alternative.
Be sure to write down the dog owner's name and contact information. This along with your medical records and pictures of the injury will be crucial for your claim. Call 311 to report the dog bite to the proper authorities. Report to 911 whether you think the dog is a danger to others.
Try contacting a New York City dog bite lawyer to explore what legal steps you need to take to file a dog bite claim. A lawyer can help you increase your chances of compensation.
You may not have to pay for your dog bite injury. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to talk to a Suffolk personal injury attorney for a consultation about your options. Our team of attorneys can help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical bills. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Many people wonder who will pay for car repairs after a car accident with another driver in New York. Under New York no-fault insurance, both drivers are expected to be compensated by their auto insurance companies. Multiple factors play into how this works and how car repairs are paid after an accident. Feel free to talk to a New York City automobile accident lawyer to find out.
Under no-fault insurance in New York, both drivers in a car accident are eligible for compensation regardless of who was at fault for the accident. This compensation is meant to cover basic car accident damages like medical bills for injuries and lost wages from missed work. No-fault insurance in New York does not tend to cover car repair costs.
This leaves many drivers wondering how they are going to pay for the vehicle damages caused by the accident. Other auto insurance policies designed to cover vehicle damages might be needed to cover these expenses. However, in some cases, auto insurance coverage is not enough to pay for all the car accident expenses.
In cases like these, drivers have the option to file a lawsuit against the other driver to collect additional compensation. Under no-fault insurance laws, this usually only works if the costs of the car accident far exceed the coverage offered by insurance. The costs may exceed in terms of medical expenses, car repairs, and other financial losses from the accident.
Try contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you have any questions about how this process works. An experienced lawyer can work with you to find the best legal options for having your car damages paid for. Taking this step is vital if you find yourself struggling to pay for the costs of the accident.
The steps for handling car accident repairs start with filing a car accident claim with the insurance company. Include details and evidence pertaining to the car accident. For car repairs, start with having your damaged vehicle thoroughly inspected. Take pictures of the damage yourself first.
Request a vehicle repair cost estimate from the repair shop. Obtain a written copy of this cost estimate and be prepared to work with your auto insurance agent on this. Sometimes insurance agents will negotiate a new cost estimate. The final step is to confirm that the insurance company will cover these costs.
When the insurance company refuses to cover the repair costs or does not offer enough coverage, you have options. Mediation, arbitration, and small claims courts can handle these disputes.
You may not have to pay for damages to your vehicle if another driver was involved. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a Westchester car accident lawyer for a consultation about the accident. Our legal team might be able to increase your compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Almost every medication has side effects listed on the label. The primary reason for this is to avoid being sued. However, when a side effect is experienced but not listed on the label, then the medication company could be liable. If you suffered unexpected harm from a medication, then you might be able to sue the prescribing medical professional or medication company. Talk to a New York medical malpractice lawyer to explore your options.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes adverse medication reactions, or side effects, as unwanted effects caused by a medication. In some cases, these side effects are common and mild, rare and severe, or rare and mild. Medications with common and severe side effects often do not make it into the market.
A single medication can cause adverse side effects but so can mixing medications. This can happen by accident when patients are prescribed multiple medications at once. These medication interactions can lead to worse side effects than if the medications were taken alone.
All of these are reasons why most medication labels have extensive lists of side effects and warnings. Many warning labels will instruct consumers not to mix the medication with specific types of medications. Some medications have labels that warn consumers against driving or operating heavy machinery due to the side effects.
Doctors are also expected to warn patients about potential adverse side effects. This includes side effects that could lead to high risks while driving. pregnant, or consuming certain substances like alcohol. Ignoring these warnings comes down to the liability of the patient. When no warnings are given, liability for harm falls onto the prescriber or manufacturer of the medication.
If you suffered significant harm from a defective medication and you were not warned about this harm, then you might be able to sue. Medical malpractice claims can be filed against doctors who fail to warn patients. A product liability claim can be filed against the medication manufacturer if a mistake was made with the product itself.
Filing a product liability claim related to medication side effects often comes down to identifying marketing defects. A marketing defect occurs when a product fails to properly label or provide instructions for safe use. Medications that exclude information and labels about side effects, negative medication interactions, and what to avoid while on the medication fit this standard.
Consider contacting a New York product liability lawyer if you suspect a marketing defect. Collect evidence by keeping the defective product, documenting your damages, and with copies of medical records.
You could be eligible for compensation if you suffered harm from a faulty medication. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York product liability attorney for a free consultation. Our San Juan team of lawyers might be able to increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, emotional distress, and other damages caused by the medication. We serve clients in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Pedestrian accidents can come with severe consequences like life-threatening injuries and liability issues. Being aware of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and safety tips might help you avoid these accidents in the future. If you were struck by a driver who was negligent, then you could be eligible for significant compensation. Ask a New York City pedestrian accident attorney for guidance if you have questions.
The first step to avoiding pedestrian accidents is being aware of what causes them. Knowing what not to do is almost always as important as knowing what to do to protect yourself from these accidents. Some of the most common pedestrian accident causes include:
Knowing that many pedestrian accidents are caused by not obeying crosswalks or failing to yield to traffic can be helpful. This means pedestrian accidents can be reduced if pedestrians follow crosswalk signals, use sidewalks instead of roadways, and yield to oncoming traffic. Running in front of traffic is risky and may result in severe injuries in the event of a collision.
Likewise, drivers can cause pedestrian accidents with risky behaviors. Common driving behaviors that increase pedestrian accidents include speeding, failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, and not paying attention. Both drivers and pedestrians can cause accidents by being distracted. Texting while walking or driving has led to many pedestrian accidents.
Drivers can avoid pedestrian accidents by going the speed limit, not engaging in distracted driving, and following crosswalk laws. Some crosswalks have traffic signals while others have stop signs, yield signs, or signs telling drivers to slow down. Following these signs, even in parking lots, is important. Otherwise, other drivers and pedestrians can become confused, and a mistake can cause an accident.
There are several pedestrian safety tips that can decrease the chances of an accident. For one, following all road signs and crosswalk rules is vital. Knowing when to yield to traffic is important for not confusing drivers which helps avoid accidents.
Using sidewalks is much safer but when sidewalks are unavailable, walking while facing traffic is the next safest option. Keep as far away from traffic as possible and avoid walking on roadsides, if at all possible, when there are other ways to reach a destination. Be wary of drivers backing up or driving in parking lots.
Consider contacting a New York City pedestrian accident lawyer if you were in a serious accident.
You may not have to deal with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident alone. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our Richmond legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We can be found in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Going through a traumatic amputation can be so intense that shock can set in and increase the chances of death. Infections are another major risk factor associated with traumatic amputations. Knowing what basic steps to take until paramedics arrive can be vital. You can also contact a New York City amputation attorney to figure out your legal options for compensation.
One of the most important traumatic amputation first aid steps is to call 911 for paramedics. Seeking professional medical help as soon as possible is extremely important for the safety of the person with the
accidental amputation. The most dangerous risk factors are bleeding out, death from shock, and deadly infections.
These are the three main risk factors that first aid can be applied to increase the chances of positive outcomes. Bleeding should be stopped in sterile ways to reduce the chances of infection. Washing your hands before attempting to stop the bleeding is highly recommended along with only using sterile cloths and materials to stop the bleeding.
Tying a tourniquet is a common practice. Elevating the site of the bleeding is also helpful for reducing the rate of bleeding. Direct pressure is usually applied for about 15 minutes before bleeding slows down. However, applying direct pressure might be needed until paramedics arrive.
Check and address signs of shock like pale skin, dizziness, fainting, weakness, and confusion. Heavy blood loss, severe pain, and the circumstances can all induce shock. Keep the person talking and thinking to keep them from passing out.
If the amputated body part is intact, then reattachment could be possible. Rinse off the amputated body part, wrap the part in a sterile bag, and place the body part in ice. This will prevent tissue deterioration and infections that could prevent reattachment.
Many people wonder if and when they can sue for a traumatic amputation. Suing for a traumatic amputation would mean filing a personal injury claim, something that requires someone else to be at fault. Whether the amputation was caused at work, in a car accident, or on someone's property, the ability to sue depends on negligence.
If someone else was partially at fault for your traumatic amputation, then you could sue them for damages. This includes damages like medical expenses, emotional distress, pain and suffering, lost wages, and lost earning capacity. Some people may have to suffer lost income because they can no longer work the same job due to the loss of a limb.
Try contacting a New York City injury lawyer to explore what legal steps this requires. You could receive substantial compensation.
You might not have to pay for your traumatic amputation expenses yourself. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York personal injury attorney for a free consultation. Our New York City legal team can help increase your chances of compensation for lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
On May 15, 2020, a proposed plan of settlement was agreed to in the Imerys bankruptcy to compensate women harmed by talcum powder. Imerys has coined itself as the world leader in the production and processing of minerals. The French-based multinational corporation has been named in the talcum powder litigation as the primary supplier for Johnson & Johnson's talcum baby powder. Over the past decade, it has faced liability lawsuits. In 2018, Imerys settled the claims of 22 women for 5.5 million in Missouri prior to trial. The trial proceeded against Johnson & Johnson and resulted in a 4.7 billion dollar verdict. In February 2019, Imerys's North American Subsidies filed for bankruptcy. As part of the bankruptcy resolution, Imerys is proposing, subject to court approval, to auction off the North American operations and put the proceeds into a trust fund for current and future women that develop ovarian cancer from their use of talcum powder. Essentially, it is offering to settle the present and future claims for the fair market value for the North American operations. In return, it will no longer be named as a defendant future liability lawsuits. "Today's announcement marks an important step toward a permanent resolution of historic talc-related liabilities," said Alessandro Dazza, Imerys' Chief Executive Officer. "The Plan, once approved by the relevant Courts, represents a favorable outcome for the Group and the Talc Subsidiaries, and will enable the Group to focus on its current operations and move forward free from these past liabilities." Under the proposed plan, the completion of the sale is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2020. The ramifications for the Talcum Powder multidistrict litigation and for Johnson & Johnson remain unclear. Learn more with Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys in New York.
On Thursday, the latest jury to consider the link between the genital use of talc powder and ovarian cancer concluded that 22 women developed ovarian cancer from using talc powder. It took the jury less than one day of deliberations to reach its verdict after hearing six weeks of evidence. In this case, unlike all of the previously tried cases, evidence was presented that J&J's talc powder was tainted with asbestos. The jury clearly agreed with the women, awarding them $25 million each in compensatory damages. In addition to that, however, the jury assessed $4.19 billion in punitive damages intended to punish J&J for concealing and denying the link between the genital use of talc powder and the development of ovarian cancer.
After the verdict, a J&J spokesperson rejected the verdict as the product of a “fundamentally unfair process” and vowed to appeal the verdict. Of the eight ovarian cancer cases that have been presented to juries, J&J has lost seven. The verdicts have all been appealed and have either been set aside or are pending decision. J&J has yet to pay any of the verdicts and refuses to either remove its talc products from the market or to place a warning on the label. It claims that the scientific evidence is “inconclusive” as to whether the genital use of talc causes ovarian cancer. Although juries do not seem to agree, two judges, one in New Jersey and one in California, have dismissed cases on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently prove that their use of talc powder caused their ovarian cancer. Both of those decisions have been appealed by the plaintiffs and are pending decision from the appellate court.
At Sullivan & Brill, LLP, we are dedicated to providing passionate legal assistance. If you have suffered from cancer caused by talc powder, our firm can represent you in court. We can build your case, discuss your options, and work hard to hold Johnson & Johnson, and other companies, responsible for failing to warn consumers about hazardous healthcare products.
Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.
Read more information about Talc Powder Lawsuits.
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