Sullivan -Brill
(212) 566-1000

An unexpected dog attack can be frightening and leave both physical and emotional scars. Depending on the severity of the attack, a dog can be deemed dangerous by the state of New York. This can lead to various steps to reduce the chances of the dog attacking someone else in the future. If you have questions about this process, a New York City dog bite lawyer might be able to help.


New York dangerous dog laws define a dangerous dog as any dog that attacks a person or animal for no identified reason. For this definition to fully apply, the dog attack must have caused a significant physical injury or death. However, this definition may also apply if it can be proven in court that the dog acted in a manner that someone would deem a serious threat.

The burden of proof falls on the person who is filing a claim against the dog owner. This person must prove that the dog was not justified in attacking another person or animal. Only certain animals count like farm animals, pets, and domesticated animals. Other animals like wildlife may not always count in these types of cases.

It must be proven that a physical injury resulted from the attack. This can be proven with pictures of the injuries and medical records. A physical injury ranges from substantial pain to a serious and life-threatening injury.

Certain exceptions can make the dog owner immune to any damages caused by the dog. These exceptions to the dangerous dog rule include:


There are important safety and legal steps to take after a dog bite. The most important initial dog bite steps to take are calling 911 when life-threatening injuries are present and moving away from the dog. If injuries are not severe, then a trip to a walk-in clinic or emergency room might be a more affordable alternative.

Be sure to write down the dog owner's name and contact information. This along with your medical records and pictures of the injury will be crucial for your claim. Call 311 to report the dog bite to the proper authorities. Report to 911 whether you think the dog is a danger to others.

Try contacting a New York City dog bite lawyer to explore what legal steps you need to take to file a dog bite claim. A lawyer can help you increase your chances of compensation.


You may not have to pay for your dog bite injury. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to talk to a Suffolk personal injury attorney for a consultation about your options. Our team of attorneys can help you obtain compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical bills. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

In the blink of an eye, one simple mistake can quickly lead to a catastrophic car accident. This means that being astutely aware of some of the most common mistakes associated with car accidents can be helpful. This may help prevent future car accidents and might help when filing a car accident claim. If you suffered injuries from another driver, then you could be eligible for compensation. Reach out to a New York City car accident lawyer for more information.


There are four types of driving errors that can increase the chances of a car accident. These include performance errors, recognition errors, decision errors, and non-performance errors. Being aware of these

types of errors may help with avoiding car accidents in the future.

Performance errors are described as using poor directional control over the vehicle. They are also described as overcompensation. Using poor directional control might look like not staying in the proper lane or turning too quickly. Overcompensation often means steering or braking too quickly when coming across a sudden change on the road. This could lead to a rollover accident.

Recognition errors involve not paying attention or not noticing important chances on the road. Pedestrians crossing the street, drivers turning left, and drivers shifting lanes may lead to accidents when a driver fails to notice these changes. Distracted driving like texting while driving plays a big role in these types of accidents.

Decision errors occur when a driver makes a risky decision like driving too fast on a sharp turn. This might also mean misjudging their distance from other drivers. Risky driving decisions like rapid lane changing and speeding can also lead to accidents.

Non-performance errors happen when drivers do not take any action and an accident occurs. This often looks like falling asleep at the wheel or experiencing a medical emergency like a stroke.


Other driving mistakes that can cause car accidents include failure to use a turn signal, not checking blind spots, and speeding through yellow lights. Not using a turn signal confuses other drivers and can easily lead to an accident. This is especially true at four-way stops where other drivers depend on knowing what the other driver is about to do.

Failure to check blind spots while shifting lanes can lead to side-sweep car accidents. The same outcome can happen when mirrors are not checked properly. Lastly, speeding through yellow lights may result in accidents when time runs out and the light turns red.

Try contacting a New York City car accident lawyer if you suffered injuries in an accident with another driver. Depending on what happened, you could be eligible for compensation.


Proving a car accident claim can be difficult. Call the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm today at (212) 566-1000 to talk to a New York automobile accident attorney for a free consultation. Our Long Island legal team might be able to increase your chances of compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

All it takes is one minor driving error to cause a major traffic accident. Since trucks like 18-wheelers are so massive, the damages can be catastrophic. Several drivers can be affected by a large truck collision. Identifying the error that caused the truck accident you were is important if you want to file a claim for compensation. Reach out to a New York City truck accident attorney to find out what steps this might take.


The most common truck driver errors that lead to truck accidents include errors in judgment, lane changing, speed, and right-of-way. Judgment errors most commonly involve things like failing to stop, not braking early enough, and misjudging what other drivers are doing.

For example, a driver may try to pass a truck driver who is turning right. Due to the large size of these trucks, this maneuver can leave a driver little room to pass. The driver may not realize how much room the truck driver will take up in the other lane while turning. This can lead to a side collision.

Lane-changing errors happen in similar ways when drivers merge into traffic the wrong way. Merging too late can lead to rear-end accidents when truck drivers do not have enough time to come to a stop. Changing lanes too quickly in front of a large truck can create similar problems.

Speeding errors may involve not slowing down at construction sites and misjudging speed. A truck driver may not realize they are driving too fast for an upcoming sharp turn. The same goes for other drivers on the road. Drivers may also misjudge how fast a truck is driving and think it is safe to merge or turn in front of the truck.

Right-of-way errors involve unsafe turns, passes, and crossings. This may also involve crossing lane lines while passing a large truck.


If you were on the other end of a major truck accident, you have options. Taking these car accident steps could help you secure compensation. The first step to take is to move to safety and call 911 if anyone is injured.

Make sure the police and paramedics arrive, especially if you are injured. You will want a copy of your medical records and the police report if you want to file an accident claim. Collect the truck driver's basic contact, vehicle, and trucking company information. Write down details about the accident, including the cause.

Consider contacting a New York City truck accident lawyer to see what other steps you can take to improve your chances.


You may not have to pay for the damages caused by another driver. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York truck accident lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Kings team of lawyers is ready to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost income. We can be found throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

An unexpected fall can lead to serious injuries for adults aged 65 and older. Not only can medical bills add up fast, but severe fall injuries can lead to lifelong impairments. For some people, this can create financial problems. However, you may not have to pay for these expenses if the property owner was at fault. Talk to a New York City slip and fall lawyer if you think your fall injury was caused by someone else.


Not everyone realizes how serious fall injuries can be in people aged 65 and older. Around 3 million people in the age group have to go to the emergency room for a fall injury each year. Not only do falls commonly cause brain injuries, but many of them also result in deaths in this age group.

Falls are more dangerous for people aged 65 or older due to decreasing physical health with age. Not only are vision problems more common but so are difficulties with walking, balance, and reaction time. Some of the most common fall injuries in this age group are severe:

Most bone fractures from fall injuries happen in the hips, wrists, ankles, and arms. Severe bone fractures can lead to chronic pain and lifelong problems with walking. So can certain soft tissue injuries. These types of injuries may damage the tendons, muscles, or ligaments, which can reduce the range of motion and movement in the afflicted joint.

Traumatic brain injuries in the moderate to the severe range can lead to a variety of major complications. Thinking, sensation, movement, vision, and personality can all be impacted by a brain injury. Some brain injury impairments are irreversible.


Many people wonder what makes falls more common in the elderly. Being aware of common causes might help you avoid a fall injury in the future. Some of the most common causes of falls in the elderly are:

Falls can be reduced by being aware of medication side effects, walking slowly, and taking time to stand up. Becoming aware of surroundings before proceeding is helpful. However, if your fall was caused by a loose wire, unlevel footing, or wet floors on someone else's property, then you could be eligible for compensation.

Try contacting a New York City personal injury lawyer to discuss what legal options you might have for suing.


You may not have to pay for injuries caused by a negligent property owner. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm at (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York premises liability accident lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Nassau attorneys can help increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

A defective medication can lead to a multitude of medical complications. These complications range from mild side effects to severe allergic reactions and life-threatening effects. Some people may suffer worsening symptoms or use a medication that fails to treat their medical condition. Consider talking to a New York City product liability attorney if you have questions about how to file a lawsuit.


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalls new medications each year, for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of defective medications include incorrect dosing,

contamination, mislabeling, and medication defects. These errors may happen during the design, manufacturing, or shipping of the medication.

Recalls happen when the medication is deemed harmful to the public and must be removed from shelves. Some recalls are more serious than others. Class I recalls are done for medications that have been known or could cause injuries or death. Whereas class II recalls are for medications that induce temporary negative effects. Lastly, class III recalls handling medications with labeling mistakes.

Faulty medications can result in mild to severe consequences depending on the defect. For example, a minor mislabeling error may lead to a simple lack of information about the product. However, a mislabeling error that lists the wrong dosage or frequency to use the medication could lead to an overdose.

Accidental contamination of a medication product during factory production can be as severe as death. This could be caused by deadly chemicals, cancer-causing chemicals, or chemicals that induce severe allergic reactions. Too much of one ingredient due to a factory error can also lead to severe side effects or overdoses.


A pharmaceutical company can be sued with a product liability claim if it sold a defective medication that caused harm to the public. This harm can be mental or physical and may include damages like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and medical costs. The three types of defects you can sue for are:

Design defects exist in the product itself. They impact every released version of the medication. Common examples might be medications that were not adequately tested in labs before public release. These medications may come with adverse side effects.

Manufacturing defects occur when factory errors are made. They may only impact one or a small subset of released products. One example would be the wrong dosage. Marketing defects involve mislabeling, like when allergy warnings or safe use instructions for the medication are not listed.

Try contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you have questions about suing.


Going up against a pharmaceutical company alone can feel intimidating. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 to speak with a New York product liability lawyer for a free consultation today. Our Westchester legal team is prepared to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

If you were injured or significantly harmed by a defective medical device, then you could be eligible for substantial compensation. Depending on the circumstances, you might be able to file a lawsuit against your doctor or the product manufacturer. The hard part is figuring out who to sue and how to sue. Feel free to reach out to a New York City product liability lawyer for answers.


Medical devices are recalled by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) each year due to defects. The harm caused by defective medical devices ranges from mild discomfort to life-threatening injuries. Depending on the type of medical device that becomes defective, a person could be left with permanent harm.

Some of the most common defective medical devices that have been recalled over the past several years are implants. Surgical mesh was recalled after the mesh shrunk over time, resulting in severe pain in patients who had the mesh implanted in them. What happened is surgical mesh manufacturers were able to skip testing of their product with legal loopholes.

Many medical device companies will attempt to do the same thing to speed up their revenue. An implanted lap band designed to reduce eating for purposes of helping patients lose weight ended up injuring patients. The lap band had started causing many patients chronic nausea, vomiting, and little to no results with weight loss.

Metal hip implants were recalled after several implant failures with one patient suffering the effects of metal debris poisoning. Other patients suffered chronic pain and injuries from these hip implants. Some patients struggled with physical activities as a result.


You might be wondering if you should sue your doctor or the medical device manufacturer for your injuries. This can be a difficult question because the answer depends on who was negligent. If the doctor knowingly used a defective medical device, then the doctor could be held liable.

A damaged or defective medical device for one medical device only could be a user error by a doctor or a manufacturing error. Having a manufacturing error would mean you would sue the product manufacturer. This involves filing a product liability lawsuit against the medical device company.

Taking an action like this can be intimidating but might be easier than suing your doctor if you have evidence. You must prove a defect in the design, manufacturing, or marketing of the medical device. Pictures of the damage, defects, and blueprints all serve as evidence.

Try contacting a New York City product liability lawyer if you have questions about what other steps to take.


Figuring out how to sue for a defective medical device can be complicated. Contact the Sullivan and Brill Law Firm by dialing (212) 566-1000 today to speak with a New York medical malpractice lawyer for a free consultation. Our San Juan legal team might be able to help you obtain compensation for medical bills, emotional distress, and lost income. We serve clients throughout New York City, Long Island, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sullivan Brill Partner, Steven Brill sat down with the Podcast Iron Advocate and discussed his experience as a criminal defense trial attorney on cases high-intensity, high-profile, and yes, sometimes high-stress cases.  The Podcast takes a deep dive into his firm's defense of Vitaly Korchevsky, an internationally known minister accused of insider trading. The three-week trial drew enormous media attention and involved voluminous discovery material.  Steven discusses the techniques he used on how to stay in front of the case, organize and prepare all of the categories of evidence, and most importantly, represent Mr. Korchevsky zealously.

To listen to the full podcast follow the link below.

If you were one of the 147 million individuals affected by the Equifax data breach you are now eligible to submit a claim. In 2017, Equifax had the largest data breach in history. On July 22, 2019, the Federal Trade Commission stated Equifax had agreed to pay at least $575 million up to $700 million to help compensate victims of hackers who stole personal information from the Equifax servers. The complete release can be found here.


Follow the link to see if you were affected by the breach. If you were Equifax is offering 10 years free creditor monitoring or if you already have credit monitoring you can choose to receive a $125 check. Additionally, Equifax is offering further compensation, up to 20,000, to those who have 1. had to spend time recovering from the breach or 2. If you lost or spent money because of the breach. If you have lost 10 hours or less you can be compensated for 25 per hour lost. Beyond ten hours individuals will have to show the appropriate documentation to prove the loss of time and or money.  You can click here for the link to file your claim. The deadline to file is January 22, 2020. Learn how to claim your compensation from the Equifax data breach with Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys.

On Thursday, the latest jury to consider the link between the genital use of talc powder and ovarian cancer concluded that 22 women developed ovarian cancer from using talc powder. It took the jury less than one day of deliberations to reach its verdict after hearing six weeks of evidence. In this case, unlike all of the previously tried cases, evidence was presented that J&J's talc powder was tainted with asbestos. The jury clearly agreed with the women, awarding them $25 million each in compensatory damages. In addition to that, however, the jury assessed $4.19 billion in punitive damages intended to punish J&J for concealing and denying the link between the genital use of talc powder and the development of ovarian cancer.


After the verdict, a J&J spokesperson rejected the verdict as the product of a “fundamentally unfair process” and vowed to appeal the verdict. Of the eight ovarian cancer cases that have been presented to juries, J&J has lost seven. The verdicts have all been appealed and have either been set aside or are pending decision. J&J has yet to pay any of the verdicts and refuses to either remove its talc products from the market or to place a warning on the label. It claims that the scientific evidence is “inconclusive” as to whether the genital use of talc causes ovarian cancer. Although juries do not seem to agree, two judges, one in New Jersey and one in California, have dismissed cases on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently prove that their use of talc powder caused their ovarian cancer. Both of those decisions have been appealed by the plaintiffs and are pending decision from the appellate court.


At Sullivan & Brill, LLP, we are dedicated to providing passionate legal assistance. If you have suffered from cancer caused by talc powder, our firm can represent you in court. We can build your case, discuss your options, and work hard to hold Johnson & Johnson, and other companies, responsible for failing to warn consumers about hazardous healthcare products.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

Read more information about Talc Powder Lawsuits.

Since the 1970s, concerns about Johnson & Johnson's talc powder have grown. Talcum powder is a substance made from a mineral consisting of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. Since the late 1800's Johnson & Johnson has been adding fragrance to it and marketing it to women for genital use to absorb moisture in the skin and reduce friction. Studies have provided increasing evidence that the product causes ovarian cancer in women who use the powder regularly.

However, the company refuses to put warning labels on its product. Instead of warning women, it continues to target women to increase sales. Six juries in Missouri have heard the evidence against Johnson & Johnson and five of them have found that its conduct warranted a significant award of punitive damages. In the latest development, a California jury, awarded a victim of ovarian cancer $417,000,000, over $300,000,000 of which was punitive damages.

Here's what you need to know about the case.


Eva Echeverria, a 62-year-old woman, recently brought a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. She claimed its talcum powder was responsible for her ovarian cancer. Echeverria had started using the company's talc powder when she was 11 years old, and her diagnosis of ovarian cancer occurred in 2007.

Johnson & Johnson, the biggest healthcare company in the world, had been aware of concerns about its product for decades. However, it persisted in selling talc powder without warning labels. The repeated use for many years, according to Echeverria, led to the development of her ovarian cancer. She sought to hold the company liable for failing to warn her about the risks associated with its product, and for advertising talc powder to women without disclosing the warnings.


The claim was filed with the California Superior Court of Los Angeles County. The lawsuit is the first talcum powder case to go to trial in California. The trial lasted 3 weeks, and the jury deliberated for two days before making a final judgment.

The selection of the jury began on July 24, 2017, and the opening statements began on July 26. The plaintiff presented arguments for 10 days and presented evidence of five experts. Afterward, the defendant presented counter-arguments for four days, offering testimony of four experts.


Echeverria claimed her use of Johnson & Johnson's talc powder had led to her cancer. The jury found the company, as well as Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., liable for her illness. It ordered the company to pay Echeverria a total of $417 million in compensation, including $347 million in punitive damages.

Johnson & Johnson currently faces 5,500 claims in U.S. courts regarding the use of its talc powder, and a spokesperson said it would appeal the court's decision. The company claimed there was not enough evidence to prove that its talc powder caused Echeverria's ovarian cancer. Nonetheless, the jury found the company liable and determined to hold it responsible for the negative health effects of its product and for its irresponsible marketing practices.


At Sullivan & Brill, LLP, we are dedicated to providing passionate legal assistance. If you have suffered from cancer caused by talc powder, our firm can represent you in court. We can build your case, discuss your options, and work hard to hold Johnson & Johnson, and other companies, responsible for failing to warn consumers about hazardous healthcare products.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

For more information about Talcum Powder read more here.

In the past two months, there have been three significant developments in the talc powder litigation pending in state and federal court. First, on September 2, 2016, a New Jersey judge dismissed 200 cases pending against Johnson & Johnson in state court. The judge found that the plaintiff's experts did not reliably establish the connection between the perineal use of talc powder and ovarian cancer. You can read the judges decision here. Lawyers on behalf of the plaintiffs are appealing this decision.

The following month, on October 4, 2016, the Judicial Panel on Multi-district Litigation issued a decision consolidating all federal cases pending against Johnson & Johnson and Imerys Talc America, Inc. This decision creates what is commonly known as in MDL, or multidistrict litigation. A multidistrict litigation is a mechanism to consolidate similar lawsuits pending in federal court around the country into one centralized federal court. In this case, the panel chose the District of New Jersey and assigned the case to Judge Wolfson, who is presently presiding over the most advanced case pending against Johnson & Johnson in federal court. The consolidation of cases allows plaintiffs attorneys from across the country to pool their resources, it voids duplicative discovery in multiple jurisdictions and minimizes inconsistent judicial rulings.

Finally, on October 27, 2016, a St. Louis Missouri jury returned a verdict excess of $70 million. This was the third case to go to trial against Johnson & Johnson. The first two cases went to trial in early 2016 and resulted in verdicts of $50 million and $70 million. In all three cases, the jury was convinced that Johnson & Johnson was aware that the perennial use of its talc powder carried an increased risk of causing ovarian cancer, yet it did not warn consumers of this danger. Some of the scientific research and documents produced in the litigation establish that Johnson & Johnson was aware of this risk as early as the 1970s.

These developments clearly indicate that this litigation is picking up steam quickly. They also indicated, however, that the ultimate outcome of the litigation is far from clear. Johnson & Johnson will surely challenge the plaintiffs' expert testimony in the MDL and will ask Judge Wolfson to dismiss all cases pending in federal court on the same grounds that the New Jersey state court cases were dismissed. Call Sullivan Brill Personal Injury Attorneys to get expert legal advice and support for your talc powder-related injury claims.


Our firm serves clients throughout New York State, including New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Binghamton, Albany, Syracuse, and Long Island.


Sullivan & Brill, LLP
110 E. 59th Street, Floor 23,
New York, NY 10022
Sullivan & Brill, LLP
50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1400,
Buffalo, NY 14202

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